Monday, November 17, 2014

Instagram Pic of the Day


  1. Says volumes about both artists just by their signatures doesn't it?

    1. @MinPinGirl- What a hugely (literally) egootistical signature.

    2. I sign my name big and loopy like MJ, does that mean I'm egotistical? My husbands by proportion is tiny, sloppy and precise.

    3. It's egotistical because it's scrawled over the contract & Al's signature, like he doesn't give a damn & he's the most important. If he HAD to write that big, there's a big blank spot he could've signed.

    4. @Krystie, I read as your husband is tiny, sloppy and precise, lol

    5. Haha @cowardly not quite! I'm probably egotistical because I like to take the entire line and my last name is hyphenated so I can take up that much more space. I don't know seems like all that blank space is asking to be filled.

    6. My signature takes up space. In my job I've had to sign so many casenotes, file notes and reports, I've got it down. Didn't change from maiden name when I got married, firstly because it irks my grumpy, misogynist father in law, secondly, because I like my name and like my independence and privacy, and thirdly I'm lazy. Too much effort and I don't want to change.

    7. @ethorne Egotistical? Michael is the real writer of the music, who created the music, the dance, the image and the value of the song. Al Jankovic profited from it to do a parody... because of the repercusion. And the size of the signature has nothing to do. In fact, Al always praise MJ for his generosity for letting him do the parody and his sense of humor, unlike other artists who refused.

  2. His signature screams " the drugs have kicked in ya'll"

  3. Dum de dum de dum....waiting, waiting waiting for the next post.

  4. He went to my alma mater, but before I got there. Legend has it he was kicked off the college radio station and then recorded My Sharonna in the men's room on campus. I think he is very creative.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Off topic, how did you guys find out about this site?? I didn't know it existed. I think Enty either blocked me on Twitter or is deleting my tweets about how awful the new site is.

    1. I found out about this site from the CDaN Companion site. I learned about the Companion site from some comments at that other train wreck of a site that I shall not mention.

      Boy, let's see how many more times I can type site!

    2. Thanks! Guess I didn't know about the Companion site either. Just glad I finally found the place!

    3. How did you find it? On CDAN? Did they actually NOT block a comment?

    4. Not a comment, Enty mentioned it himself. His panties are in a twist. I'm just glad he gave me direction on where to go.

    5. I comment on CDaN under aliases with this site as my url ;) because they did block my last comment where I write the site as my comment. Spread the word!

  7. LOL, I guess half the page wasn't enough for Michael. Love Al, he seems like a nice guy. And smart too.

    1. Well, after thinking about it, I guess in his defense (Michael's) if you're signing autographs all the time, tiny chicken scratch (like mine) is not what the fans want.

  8. I print big and my signature is big. I can't help it.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.
