Monday, March 2, 2015

The Gospel According To Phil Robertson

Phil Robertson was invited to speak at CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) on Friday, where he was also awarded the "Andrew Breitbart Defender of the First Amendment" prize. The Hollywood Reporter quotes his speech as follows:

"I don't want you, America, to get sick. You're disease-free, and she's disease-free — you marry, you keep your sex right there. You won't get sick from a sexually transmitted disease. There is a penalty to be paid from what the beatniks, and it morphed into the hippies — you say, what do you call the 110 million with the sexually transmitted illness? It is the revenge of the hippies! Sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll have come back to haunt us in a bad way."


  1. Could care less about reality folk, their beliefs and their shows.

  2. He did get that free speech award so he was going for broke I guess. I'd like to blame rock and roll for some of my problems as well. Blaming it in the boogey.

  3. Isnt he the guy who drank, screwed around while married? And now he's gonna gv us tips? I dont think he stopped drinking soon enough; he is brain damaged. I mean sure, it didnt hv far to go, but its damaged. Based on his asshole ideas. I, and like at least 15 of my friends were hippies in the 60's. No one has std, no one is drug addicted and we all still love music. And btw, an std cld happen to anyone. I bet he had one! Anyway, he's talking out of his ass as usual.

    1. I just looked it up, and, yeah, he was a drunk who screwed around on his wife. I wonder what kind of diseases he gave her? He must be feeling guilty, and decided to project it onto other people.

  4. One well placed bomb....

    Did you see the story about a gay sex hookup app and the men of CPAC? Nuff sed

    1. HA @Guido, serves them right!

      Those who protest the loudest are often guilty of the sins they protest. Remember when Newt went on a rampage against Clinton, wanting to impeach him for lying about boning the intern? Later on, he gets busted for tax evasion and surprise, surprise, serves his wife divorce papers while she's in the hospital so he can marry the mistress (who he also divorced to marry the next mistress). And he's one of those that preaches about the sanctity of marriage.

  5. I recall a blind that hinted that one of those duck people liked to share a room for man-to-man sex whenever they traveled for paid appearances.

  6. I recall a blind that hinted that one of those duck people liked to share a room for man-to-man sex whenever they traveled for paid appearances.

  7. And my Mother still thinks The Beatles were the cause of America's downward spiral.

    1. Calif- right? When you go back and look at the beatles when they first came over- with suits and ties and like bowl haircuts, its amazing anyone at all ever found them threatening! Do you know how many of my friends were kicked out of their house for LONG HAIR??!! Not drugs, not breaking the law, not stealing- LONG HAIR!! It was a crazy time that i wldnt hv missed for the world!!

  8. Sunshine, read any blinds lately?

    I double post all the time. But worse than that are the auto corrects I can't turn off. Who can spare a pre teen to fix my settings? LOL. only thing beastly brats are good for.....
