Thursday, February 19, 2015

Wine and Sass Blind Item - The Magic Behind the Curtain

You would think with so many Divas taking up residency in Las Vegas, there would be more hissing and scratching about things like money, wardrobe and backup dancers, but this A-list diva is worrying about other things. Like who's going to sing her songs behind the curtain.

It's no secret her voice has over the years. She desperately tried to get her voice repaired in Europe a while back that helped another A-list diva get the voice she lost back, but the treatment didn't work, so now she's desperate. People aren't going to pay top dollar to see her of all people lip sync. Especially since another diva in residence had embarrassing isolated tracks of her performances leaked, and the other diva in residence is going to deliberately leak tracks when she begins her stint just to show people she is the real deal and what you want to spend your money on.

So there's going to be someone singing behind the curtain. This C-list great singer who couldn't get traction in the music industry, sometimes dabbling in TV and Movies, is the front runner for the job. The diva once threw her a ton of shade, but the C-lister is enough of a superfan to keep her mouth shut for the big paycheck and guaranteed record deal.

Not Britney Spears.

Source: Wine and Sass


  1. Mimi and Ashlee?

    But Ashlee isn't a great singer, so never mind... But still Mimi or JLo, both up for KJE's "giant reveal that I'll never reveal".

    1. @7 I gotta stupidly ask (been seeing you guys use it for quite a while) K(?)J(?)Enty.

    2. @wahoo, Enty sent Outtie what was basically a threat letter to cease and desist copying their posts (even though other sites do it and they don't seem to care), so I dubbed them bitter Kim Jong Enty. :b

    3. Sorry, not copying - reposting. Outtie always gave CDaN credit but they were still bitter about losing fans and threw a Kim Jong Il worthy tantrum.

    4. :0 lol...i do remember all that, just missed your funny declaration :)

    5. Meanwhile , 7-11,another site is doing same thing.

    6. So does
      Long time lurker 2nd time poster :)

  2. Hmm...the fact that she ever HAD a voice leads me to think Mimi, but the diva who had embarrassing tracks released must be Brit Brit, no? Which sort of leaves JLo as the one who would deliberately leak tracks, which we KNOW isn't true. Is there an additional diva? Is Celine still there?

    1. Celine is still gone due to her husband's illness.

  3. Wow can't see anyone being able to sing like Mariah and I thought the point about KJE's blind is the person never really was a good singer to begin with??? But then again has anyone noticed or cared with Brit Brit.

  4. Mimi and Christina Milan? Everyone expects JLo to use backing tracks.

  5. mimi and ashanti
    or jlo and ashanti who used to sing backup for her back in the day
    ashanti sounds exactly like jlo wants to sound so imma go with jlo/ashanti

  6. I've read that Mariah's ticket sales have not been great.

    Divas in residency at Caesar's have been Celine, Bette Midler, Cher, and Shania. Brit is at PH. J.Lo and Mariah are coming up. Wasn't there some talk about Madonna?

    It's hard to think of someone who could hit the high notes that Mariah used to hit, so I'm going with J.Lo. Her voice would be easier to imitate.

    1. Mariah's ticket sales are never very great, so I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case for her Vegas gig.

      A few months ago (maybe summer?) Caesars tried to throw a bunch of money at Madonna for a residency, but she declined. She hates playing in Vegas, and has said more than once that when she tours it's one of her least favorite cities to play in. I really don't see her ever doing a long-term Vegas gig.

    2. I was in town once when Madonna was at the MGM and my Mother swore she saw Madonna tickets on sale at the half-price booth. Ticket sales can be a crazy thing sometimes.

    3. Do you remember which tour it was? I saw her at the MGM in Vegas during the Re-Invention Tour in 2004.

    4. I think I was at that Madonna concert at MGM if it was in December. We went to Billboard Award after parties. Fun weekend.

    5. Mariah will get back her fanbase if she stops trying to do hiphop/R&B and go back to what made her famous...Pop and ballads. An image makeover will also do her good. The butterflies need to go and Hello kitty garbage.

  7. Speaking of Mimi, what happened to Derek? I never see him around here anymore :(

    1. I was just thinking the same thing today ;)

    2. I think Derek went back to the orange site. :/

    3. Right, @Rose Liz, we haven't had a Derek Harvey-style meltdown in forever!

    4. @Rose L- we have tried several times to activate the Derek bat signal. I hope he is well!
      I miss his posts, and I always read them in the voice of Elijah from Girls!

  8. I was totally thinking this was Celine, but since someone noted above that she is not there because of her hubby's health, I guess I'll jump ship with that guess and say Mariah.

  9. MV, oops I mean J-Lo and Ashanti for the win

  10. I say Mooriah bc she had some terrible leaked footage in Asia a bit ago of her not being able to hit notes and Jhud as the behind the curtain.

    1. @Opie - Now THAT is a very interesting paring. I would think Mimi's voice would be very hard to spoof, but JHud just might pull it off (and she'd never get the $$ offers on her own - Mariah would).

    2. JHud, she has a velvety tone to her voice, I'm not hearing it

    3. JHud, she has a velvety tone to her voice, I'm not hearing it

  11. i was thinking Jlo all the way through

  12. with the one who is going to deliberately leak tracks as Mariah and obvi Brit for embarrassing leaks

  13. How about Bette Midler. It's possible she has lost her voice.

  14. Mariah and Arianna grande for behind the curtain

    1. Arianna would take that $$$$ and sing child sing

  15. This is Mariah. She lost her voice years ago. Derek is back on that other site commenting. I still look at the blinds there, but refuse to comment. Entry is a dick for not changing the website back to the way it worked best.

  16. Saying its not Britney is stupid because Britney just lip-syncs and no one cares so it obviously isnt her. I love Britney and I love the fact that she is the ONLY one who clearly does this and gets away with it!!
