Thursday, February 5, 2015

Reader's Choice

What's going on in your world today?


  1. Cold and damp here today. Snow damp, not rain damp. Hate this time of year.

    Waiting for the hot, juicy gossip items to turn up here. Waiting patiently, but waiting nonetheless.

    1. Karen, one of my old school friends is pregnant to her aunt's ex husband....and her own husband is oblivious- aside from that, got no other goss for ya, sorry!

  2. It's going to be in the 80's today. These white legs of mine need some sun (or self-tanner lotion).

    1. Jealous!! :)
      It's going to be around 65 here today, so no complaints. I'm feeling for my friends up north.

  3. We have mountains of snow on the ground but the sun is shining in Chicago for a change. I'm trying to get some work done but spending more time online than I should.

    1. (but there's MEASLES at an "area" daycare, just sayin')
      Yeah, it's buzzfeed. I'm a dumbass.

    2. There's been some speculation that like the enterovirus that was so prevalent last year, the measle outbreak may be linked to the number of illegals who were let in to the country last year. I haven't read too much about that theory, but it will be interesting if there are facts to back that up.

    3. It's weird because when I was growing up my sister and I had both kinds of measles. The regular kind, and German measles. We also had the chicken pox and I've had the mumps on both sides at once. I don't ever remember kids dying from it back then (any of it). Has the virus changed? I had to end up getting vaccinated for Rubella even though I'd had it. At our school you just automatically got the vaccine. It wasn't a huge deal.

  4. Snowbound still. I love my car, but it might be time to upgrade to 4 wheel drive.

  5. DM says Bobbi Kristina has been taken off life support. Damn.

    1. So many conflicting "reports" on her situation. I can't see a good ending for the poor kid.

  6. Does anyone ever listen to the gamer Sodapoppin' on Twitch TV? I have gotten addicted to that guy playing H1Z1.

  7. I'm working from home today and my dog (who is sleeping on the floor next to me) has been farting all day. The smell of rotten eggs keeps popping up every 10 mins or so. Ugh.

    1. Lol dolphy, thats the kind of day I wld have!!!!!

  8. Feel for you Dolphy.

    I'm working and using a dialing tool. Was guaranteed 5 convos minimum per hour and so far nothing. Support tells me nothing is wrong people just aren't answering. That's not what I paid for. Frustrating!

  9. Read roald dahls essay on measles. His little girl DIED from it. Vaccinate your goddam kids!!!!!! Give illegals and legals health care, starting with vaccinations!!!!!! Enough with this vacine hysteria, jenny mccarthy is not, repeat NOT a scientist!!!! Her IQ is barely 90!!!!! Do not take advice from her! There is no mercury, zero proof vaccines cause autism! That study was debunked and was based on 10 or 12 kids. Ok off my soapbox but this really ticks me off.

    1. Well said@auntliddy.The selfish few putting everybody else at risk.

    2. You go, AuntLicky!!! +1000000000000000000

    3. Would you believe that the anti-vaxxers have a book out now called Melanie's Marvelous Measles? Apparently measles are no big deal and fun to have, you only get them if you were vaccinated, and drinking lots of melon juice will keep you from getting them. I wish I was joking about this, but unfortunately, it's all too real. Apparently the author lost a very young child of her own, felt that the medical professionals treated her badly, and then her aunt (a nurse!) told her that she knew of lots of babies who were sick like hers had been, and they'd all been recently vaccinated, wink wink...and another anti-vaxxer was born. I feel badly for her seeing as she lost a child, but the hell of it is that if too many ignorant people read this book to their kids and believe it themselves, the odds are that other parents will lose children as well, which pisses me off.

      I never had measles, thank God, but I did have chicken pox (back before there was a vaccine) and scarlet fever (I don't think there's a vaccine for that), and I can assure you that neither one was a picnic--and I came out of it with (AFAIK) no lasting ill effects. I've also had pneumonia after a nasty bout of flu, and you can bet your ass I get the flu shot every year and the pneumonia one as often as prescribed--believe me, there are definitely more fun things to do than cough up bits of blood on Christmas Eve on a Greyhound bus. (I was on my way back to see my parents; I figured if I was going to die anyway, I'd rather do it with them. Fortunately, giant horse-pill antibiotics and sleeping for a couple of days straight helped turn me around.) There's a reason people ran right out and got themselves and their families vaccinated as soon as the vaccines were available--they knew what happened all too often when someone came down with the disease in question! We've been spoiled due to several decades of low disease rates, and I hate to think that it's going to take more illnesses and deaths for people to wake up, but unfortunately it's looking that way. :-(

    4. Robin, well said. Vaccines shld not be optional, unless you want to go live in place where all other unvacinated peeps live.

    5. I have a theory about Autism that a lot of people have poo-pooed but when you look at it, does make a lot of sense. If you look back at the time frame when Autism really started being a big thing, it was also around the time that Anime started becoming big. Many of the people that suffer from it are fans of anime (probably about 75% or so based on reported autism patients and their habits). Anime is known for brightly flashing lights and quick strobe effects during fight scenes. In fact, they can trigger a seizure in epilepsy patients. My theory is that the strobe effects trigger a kind of epilepsy in younger children's brains that have the effects of Autism. I'm not 100% on this, but I will say that it is highly more likely to be involved with Autism than vaccines are. I mean, I can watch an anime and during the fight scenes with the flashing and strobe effects, I start to get sick. Neither my brother or I ever watched the stuff and didn't have it, but 3 of his friends on our street (all from different families) were brought up watching it and were all diagnosed as having Autism. I know that doesn't mean that it definitely causes it but it does say it should be looked into as a potential cause or magnifyer to it.

  10. Oh, and other than yhat, im waiting for my glue gun to heat up so i can glue my granddaughter's doll's shoes on. Yeah, i have a life!

  11. Two weeks ago I found out my ex is now seeing a guy who did 3 months in jail for assaulting a kid in the face. Guess what I did, friends upon learning this revelation? I spent a lot of time holed up in my house, grew a beard and lost 10 lbs. On the plus side I have developed a new found appreciation for Trisha Yearwood and Patsy Cline songs. so...yay?

    1. @JBE, oh, no, honey! Snap out of it!!

    2. Jason's back! Hope you're feeling better! Found out this week that my ex is dating around. Good times! ;)

    3. It sounds like you spent time becoming a sexy lumberjack. Now go out and show the world your mad skills, and country knowledge.

    4. I soooo agree Krystie. My perspective might me skewed, however, since I have a deep love for beards and classic country music.

    5. Hugs JBE. You're better than her. You dodged a bullet you just can see it yet.

    6. Stay off social media and focus on you, Jason.

    7. Hope things are getting better, Jason. Just think, reverse your gender, & you would've grown a beard and gained 10 pounds.

    8. Here's the thing, Jason. She picked a horrible person (assaulting a child?!), and whether she sees it now or not, she will eventually. And then you are guaranteed to be in her mind from then on as the one she let get away, the nice guy she will wish she still had. So take some bitter satisfaction in that; she will regret this someday, and by then, I hope you have the life you always wanted with someone who appreciates you from the start!

  12. I'm posting this in light of the news that Johnny and Amber tied the knot yesterday. I cut and pasted it from Foxella but it's origin listed there was CDandN. (Oopsie).

    He has started smoking meth and crack which he never did before

    This is a new drug for this still A list mostly movie actor who was A+ list not that long ago.

    I guess he is trying to relive his hotel trashing youth, but he has started smoking meth and crack which he never did before.

    He is a mess. Johnny Depp

  13. Holiday here in NZ but I will be to 'Straya Monday for the week. Kids goosing around making 'home theatre' in the lounge. And it's my wedding anniversary :)

    1. Aww thanks get off my lawn, 9 years married and this year 15 years in NZ!

    2. Thanks Sherry, been thru our ups and downs, but more ups than downs!!

    3. Happy Anniversary Gabi. I hope you have a great time when you're over here. The weather is fantastic, & we most likely will have a new (non-reptilian) PM!

    4. Thanks Bee, work and friends to catch up with....and as long I don't see the PM in budgie smugglers it will be a great trip!!

    5. Love it Gabi! You know the old Aus/NZ rivalry? Not in our home. You guys are so far ahead of us (women getting the vote, same sex marriage). I love that you associate our leader with Speedos. *shudder*

  14. I popped into that other place to read some posts and noticed that Derek was there. Hey D. Come back to visit sometime.
