Friday, February 13, 2015

Kunty Karl's Kids Kollection

Everyone's favorite designer Karl Lagerfeld is launching a clothing collection for children under his eponymous brand. The Hollywood Reporter announces that the collection will be for boys and girls from 0-16. CEO of Karl Lagerfield Kidswear Pier Paolo Righi says of the collection, "it presents a unique opportunity to share our cool, ironic, iconic DNA with a wider Karl Lagerfeld audience."


  1. That is ages 0-16 not sizes, heaven forbid KK would go over size 8,

  2. What's with the rings just on the last part of his fingers there? Weird man but at least he's a cat lover. Wonder how many of these clothes for little girls will be inappropriately sexy?

  3. Kunty K was fabulous even as a child. "When I was four I asked my mother for a valet for my birthday."

    Fun fact-Choupette the cat can use an IPad

  4. I say this as an ardent cat fan: the only reason Karl loves cats is because they are the only creatures with an ego bigger than his. You know Choupette gives him serious side eye on a daily basis and since he never gets that anywhere else, it's like a surrey with a fringe on top for him. I bet Choupette does this daily.

  5. He and Kanye are douchetastic brothers from different mothers.

  6. I really cant with this creature.
