Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Kardashian Korner

Apologies to those suffering from Bruce fatigue, but Page Six reported that not only has Bruce Jenner told his mother Esther that he is transitioning, but she is wholeheartedly behind her son. "Bruce filled me in, and we had a very long, long, long, talk about it. I have never been more proud of Bruce for who he is, himself as a father, as an Olympian, wonderful public speaker. He instills enthusiasm in people. He's gifted. I am more proud of him now than when he stood on that podium and put the gold medal around his neck. He deserves all the respect."

Kudos to Esther for wonderfully supporting her son! 

In other Kardashian news, Kylie is trying out a new hair color

A photo posted by Kylizzle (@kyliejenner) on


  1. Enough of the Kardashians, I'm beggin' ya.

  2. Not just a new hair colour,a whole new face.I hate that these girls are "normalising" physical artifice

    1. +1. I hate that a generation of young women think that physical artifice, & making money on porn tapes, etc. is "empowerment". More than any of the other reasons I despise this family, THAT'S tops.

  3. Hey, isn't this February already - no Kardashian items! Please.

  4. I spent wayyyy too much time looking at that photo. *shuddering*

    @Sunshine, I think you're confusing Anarchy with another site. :)

  5. She looks like a manga blow up doll.

    I feel like I should feel for Bruce but he made kids with a shark and allowed her to exploit them. I can't have respect for a man who can't put his foot down and say his children aren't pawns for their pimp mother's fame game.

    1. I was going to say she looks like a hentai character come to life.
      Every day I thank God I am not a Kardasian.

  6. I'm ready for selfies to go away. Ugh.

  7. That photo got 1,000,000 likes?!? Holy crap, humanity is screwed.

  8. I hear ya Omar. I'm embarrassed by the number of selfies I see on FB by someone I know. It's the same pose, same trout pout, same eye thing, and it's just stupid.

    You know, I'm glad Bruce's mother is supportive and proud, but isn't she going a bit overboard?

  9. Actually i think she looks pretty. ( ducks). Its nice his mom supports him; isnt that what moms do?❤️ She seems sweet.

  10. Bruce's mom is awesome.

    With that said, who says yes to "Kardashian-Free February?"

    Let's make it a thing across the web. Not just for the peace and quiet, but it'll be fun to watch the publicists' heads explode.

    1. I wish this post was a week earlier, because I truly think a blog post/Op Ed that could be linked to social media with a unified hashtag would have the potential to go hugely viral. An Op Ed about their negative influence on society, are we really this shallow?

  11. ...that picture...


  12. Chang chang changitty chang sha-bop

    Thanks for the Grease flashback dishy

  13. Bruce Jenner's mom sounds like an absolute breath of fresh air on her accepting and open minded attitude about her son and the fact that he's making a huge life change.

    To anyone that read Mike Huckabees ungodly IGNORANT comment about homo/transsexual people, comparing them to alcoholics or drug addicts...well "Christian" freaks like that make me want to lose faith in humanity. Huckabee still clings to the ridiculous notion that drug addiction, alcoholism and sexual identity are merely a personal decision someone woke up one morning and decided to try out for fun.

    I'm so glad that we don't have to listen to anyone in Bruce's family chiming in on the right wing crazy train over this. So glad his family is being so supportive of his decisions.

    As for Kylie - look out Rita Whora there's a new skank in town - YIKES!!!

    1. Yeah, especially when Huckabee has had a long-time mistress. Ohhh, excuse me, "allegedly". *side eye* Typical pompous hypocrite politician. Did you catch the story about the Fox "News" "reporter" who said that bipolar illness was "made up"? I guess the earth really is flat...

  14. I really love her lip color. Ombre lips are my favorite new trend!

  15. I saw that pic @auntliddy! Thought the same as you. Kim will literally do anything to gain fashion elite's approval.

  16. I LOATHE every member of this classless, famewhoring, KUNTY family, EXCEPT Bruce Jenner. Not only is he the only one who had real achievements in life of which to be proud; I really admire him for having the courage to break free from Mrs. Satan and to follow his truth and live the rest of his life authentically. I wish him all the joy and happiness in the world. Very courageous, & will set an example for others struggling. So great his Mom supports his transitioning. Awesome.
    Now if only all the rest of his family would just freakin' disappear.
