Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Free Skate

A post to discuss your nightly TV shows.

A photo posted by Madonna (@madonna) on


  1. Replies
    1. I was thinking Mrs Doubtfire...

    2. She's trying to look like Dietrich (don't you remember that phase?). Nothing is original with her.

      FYI Madge, most people have (hopefully) matured emotionally by the time they're 40 and they no longer feel the need to make a fucking half naked spectical of themselves in public. Nobody is saying you can't be sexy when you're older, most of us just think that should be between you and your sex partner(s).

  2. I miss her old face.. hate to say it though. She's absolutely right here. Except when you turn 50 you become invisible to men.

    1. She had no problem playing up her youth when she was young. Boy toy, anyone? IIRC she wasn't exactly speaking highly of older actresses when she held the world's attention.

    2. I don't know about that, Sherry. I just think that Madonna's in-your-face, trying to be avant garde and shocking antics don't work for older women. There are plenty of women over 50 that are sexy and sexual. They're just less hostile and flamboyant about it. I think Madonna's brashness should have given way to a deeper rooted confidence by now. If Madonna's idea of sexuality is based solely on sexual display, she's not a particularly evolved woman.

      The problem, I think, is that women like Madonna push out their philosophy of what over 40 women should be like and that's not the real world most of us inhabit. I did some crazy, stupid and fun stuff when I was 25, but I wouldn't do that today. I certainly would be horrified if I hadn't changed at all in 30+ years.

      Perhaps Madonna, et al would stop with the boyfriends half their age, stop dressing like a 20 year old and stop acting in a way that diminishes older women and makes them appear desperate.

    3. Yes. She has worn thin with the same old schtik- bondage, leather, s & m. Yawn.
      She used to switch it all up and evolve. My favorite period was the "Whos That Girl" time. She was hilarious and had that nice Marilyn blonde hair.

    4. Okay KarenW - You are correct about there.. There are older women (Helen Mirren anyone) who do understated sexy and classy. How's it go? "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a (wo) man, I put away childish things." Yeah that's it..

  3. Last night's Parks & Rec Johnny Karate episode is like watching flies fuck.

    Interesting developments on PLL last night, eh?

    Can't wait for more Broad City tonight- here is a funny gif that reminded me of poor Abbi at Soulstice!!!

    1. @Lady H PLL OMG!!! I knew that's why Mona was fainting!! Did you see that Marlene King said Big A will be revealed on March 24th?!

    2. Oooh thanks for the scoop @VIP! Better mark my calendar!!!

    3. Aw, don't tell me that, LadyH. I'm so disappointed in this half-season. :( Not a swan song at all.

      I think the thing about Madonna is that the boundaries she's still trying to cross are really not boundaries anymore. It's not that you die at 40 but really, the assumption is that with age comes maturity, and flashing your crotch on stage and sexing it up on dancers young enough to be your son is not maturity. It's also not edgy or cool. Annie Lennox doesn't pull that crap. Stevie doesn't do it. We want our icons to be icons, not parodies of themselves.

      And this is from someone who really likes Madonna. My first date with SO, I tried to get him to rent Truth or Dare. He declined but I got it anyway and I gave him her book for his birthday. :b

    4. I heard there is a special appearance though with someone's whose initials are BM! This season has definitely been a weird one though.

    5. @Jessi- Now THAT episode of Parks & Rec (Two Funerals) I actually enjoyed!

  4. I haven't been around today, so I haven't seen if its been brought up. But did you see Tom Delonge probably quit blink 182 because he is so busy with science and definitely not drugs! I mean, I'm sure he didn't call his band mates because his phones were being tapped and he was harboring nazi scientists. So yeah, he just was trying to save them from his interstellar government drama.

  5. Replies
    1. Me too, auntliddy! Last week's tooth pull was awful, I'd rather see another broken leg!

    2. Me too! Though I usually end up watching it on Thursdays.

  6. oh did anyone catch the untouched beyonce photos the beygency went after the website to take them down

    empire tonight

    1. and hindsight vh1 get on it people!!!

    2. Sugar bread. I love Hindsight! Good stuff. It's totally silly, but I love it. The brother is a cutie.

    3. Meh, Beyonce had some zits, who hasn't at some point in their life?

  7. I watched the new Property Brother "At Home" series opener last night - I don't know if this show even airs/is popular in the US, I genuinely thought Drew was gay (as there have been rumours about them), but he mentioned his GF on the show then Jonathan mentioned he had an Ex-Wife...damn...sign me up to be Jonathan's current wife!

    1. Yes, the show is very popular here in the U.S. they are both super cute! They look like my ex...that's why I have a soft spot for them. They both have girlfriends and I believe Drew just proposed to his girlfriend, Linda Phan.

      Here they are with their gf's...not sure if Jonathan is still with that gf though.

    2. Yes, the show is very popular here in the U.S. they are both super cute! They look like my ex...that's why I have a soft spot for them. They both have girlfriends and I believe Drew just proposed to his girlfriend, Linda Phan.

      Here they are with their gf's...not sure if Jonathan is still with that gf though.

    3. Awesome! I met them both on Saturday at a Home Reno Show, even with 4 inch heels on (I'm 5'7) they were massively tall beside me!

  8. A good article on Madonna vs Annie Lenox and "acting your age."

  9. Does anyone on her watch Black Sails?
