Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Angelina Jolie Opens Academic Center

Page Six reports that Angelina Jolie has opened up an academic center at the London School of economics to study the participation of women in conflict and ending impunity for rape and sexual violence in war. This will be the first academic center in Britain to focus on women, peace, and security. Jolie is a UN special envoy, and co-founded a campaign with former British Foreign Secretary William Hague in 2012 that focused on preventing sexual violence.


  1. I want to hear about her just about as much as I want to hear about Kim K.

  2. I think she does wonderful things for the world, and i appreciate her good works. You know, she cld just stay home and be like im a billionare, ill just relax. You never see her at fashion shows, or trying to get the latest purse, or dripping in jewelry or designer clothes- except when shes working red carpet- because she knows whats inportant, and i admire that.

    1. Totally agree, Aunt Liddy. She is - at the very least - using her fame and money to try and better something

    2. Agreed as well AuntLicky. How much is for show and how much is truly altruistic doesn't really matter. So long as it's done.

  3. Noble effort I hope it can make a difference. Rape has been a part of conflict since time began. To the victor go the spoils. Slaves were always part of the spoils and that included sexual slaves.

  4. I know I'm in the minority, but I love AngieJo. Every time someone calls her "St Angie", I think, but isn't that better than being someone useless like a Kardashian or horrible like Rush Limbaugh? The woman had a double mastectomy and no one knew about it until months after it happened when she wrote a PSA piece about breast cancer. She travels to foreign countries and rarely does pap shots for those visits and when she does, it's for fundraising. If you're going to remake yourself, isn't it better to remake yourself for the good of others rather than being a fame whore?

  5. When the whole Jen/Brad/Angie thing happened I absolutely hated Angelina. looking back on that whole mess it's really the same thing as the Vanessa/Johhny Depp/Amber thing. We the public don't have a fucking clue what really happened to breakup those relationships we only have opinions based on what the media feeds us and our own interpretation of the situation.

    I think Angie had her wild days and tore it up and then matured somewhat and decided she wanted to do something different with her life and she has made a difference. I agree with what 7/11 said as well. I'm sure her life isn't perfect, but I'm glad that she and Brad keep their business pretty much to themselves.

  6. Minpingirl I remember thinking when they were filming together, uh oh.
    She does do marvelous stuff. Keeping it under the radar though is probably a bit difficult, & probably defeats the purpose.
    Not sure if I'm a fan though.

    1. I just know from my own divorce, how things can look the exact opposite of what the reality is.

      I hate hate hate even hearing about cheating relationships (like Blake & Miranda for instance). My opinion is if it isn't working and you can't/wont fix it, then GTFO. Period. Even if it destroys your so called "brand".

      That whole staying married for the "brand" shit is so damn stupid (you listening Bey & Jay?). People aren't stupid (not all of them anyway). They can see or hear what's going on behind the scenes, when it's happening so blatantly.
