Thursday, January 1, 2015

Outtie Original Blind Item Revealed - The Family Man

Monday, December 29, 2014

This TV and Movie Actor is plagued by cheating rumors on another gossip site. Those rumors couldn't be further from the truth. He is a devoted family man who loves his foreign-born actress significant other. He spent the holidays in her home country hanging out with her extended family, and baking cookies with their child(ren) and his niece.

Actor: Liev Schreiber

Actress: Naomi Watts


  1. I love this. I have so many questions. Who took this photo? What the hell kind of genes does Naomi have that those kids are so identical and blonde? What's Christmas like as a summer holiday?

    1. Lots of outdoor activities, seafood, salads, cold desserts, cold drinks...but we really do a lot of similar things to people in colder climates.

    2. That's really cool. My 7 yr old was studying the continents and came home all excited with this new found knowledge recently. I mean obviously we have warmer climates Then where I am but it's still a winter holiday.

  2. Yeah I have friends in Oz. Even their Xmas cards are more cheeky and casual.

  3. YAAASSSS! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! <3 Liev Schrieber and Naomi Watts! Suck it, Enty, you bicycle hating crustacean!

  4. In the past he has been a dog (no offense to dogs) glad to hear he has realized what is important.

  5. I am so glad this was them. They seem very family oriented in photos.

    Of course, next week we'll find out he was caught soliciting hookers on 42nd Street, but for now, I'm happy.

  6. Well maybe they have that when I'm filming rule. Otherwise I'm the family man.. Kinda like Clive Owen.

  7. Im thrilled, they seem a tight family.

  8. Yeah one staged picture shared with the world certainly reveals everything about him...uh...

  9. Well, to be fair there have been numerous rumours surrounding him for some time and even though he may not have fooled around during Christmas I'd find it hard to believe he's a changed man.

  10. I love them as a couple. I hope this is true.

  11. I do believe he cheats, it would be hard to turn down a tall drink of water everyday of your life!, but he probably is not a prolific cheater, a complete dog like Sean Penn or Ben Afflec.
    At least, I hope he is not a complete tool.
