Monday, January 5, 2015

Jamie Dornan Marketing 50 Shades of Grey As a Love Story

Jamie Dornan recently sat down with Elle UK to talk about his upcoming film 50 Shades of Grey. He is quoted as saying "The love story is more important than the BDSM aspect. I mean, we are going to tell a love story, you know, it can't just be what happens in a Red Room, that's not a film. There's so much more going on than that." As someone who has read the books, there's really not much more going on than that. The film will be released on February 13, allegedly with an R rating. Looks like you'll have to wait for the DVD release to see the NC-17 cut.


  1. I just discovered Rita Whora will be in this shit show....

    1. She's turning into the sluttier, skankier version of Olivia Munn.

    2. I like Rita Ora,whether a woman is "slutty" or not is a matter of perspective

    3. I like Olivia Munn in Newsroom.

  2. Did Dornan bother to read the books that crap script is based on? It's NOT a love story. It's a story about a man who was sexually abused as a child, grows up to be a freak in the sheets and demands dominance over a virgin (who has a mind-blowing orgasm and no pain the first time they have sex, despite his massive member breaking the delicate barrier of her hymen - oh, and despite the fact that she's 20-something and has never masturbated in her life). Only the virgin can save him through her virginal love and sacrifice and stuff like that. I wonder if they'll include the tampon scene (don't read if you're easily grossed out: he pulls it out for her and this is an introduction to sexy times).

    I will totally watch on DVD with my friends for MST3K times. Or maybe we should live-blog it or something and totally talk crap about the Fanning girl falling for Sir Boring. I see Fannapening jokes happening.

    1. Oh, Dakota. Damn. I always get those girls who need hairbrushes confused.

    2. I just watched a movie called The Secretary (or Secretary?) it was made in 2002-3 and stars James Spader and Maggie Gyllanhal and, though I've not read 50 Shades, this movie made me think about (what I'd heard) it. Ever since Less Than Zero, Spader and RDJ have always been in the skeevy guy category to me. RDJ not really anymore, but Spader can still seriously make my skin crawl at times.

    3. -don't read my comment if easily grossed out -
      (I Cosby read more than half of the first book, awful wroting and I found the sex scenario to be trite. So I had no idea about the tampon scenario @7 mentions)
      So...The tampon thing is not foreign to me;at all

    4. The Secretary is as an AMAZING film!

  3. I haven't read the book and I won't see the film, but I don't remember anyone describing the story as "romantic".

  4. I think there was a lot more going on besides the red room.

  5. Ewww, really Seven? That's where the kink came from? Being sexually molested as a child. Sounds extremely erotic. Gag. I never read the books, as you may have guessed, but that sounds quite disturbing to me.
    I will stick with my Amy Poehler book thank you very much.

  6. The script was supposedly written by Kelly Marcel, the same person who wrote the script for Saving Mrs. Banks. And I loved that movie - it made me verklempt at a few points and I was not expecting that.

    So she's a brave person, whether she could pull a rabbit out of the hat, who knows. And then the actors had to do their jobs. I have 50 Shades obsessed friends so I am charged with going to see the movie with them.

  7. @Jessi, yep! And the people who want to make this happen say it's "about a damaged person learning how to love". {insert eyeroll here}

    I managed to get through it but just barely and even then I was reading passages out loud to various friends and roomies (and a couple of co-workers), all of whom howled with laughter. I'm not into BDSM or kink and even I know this was written the way a virgin would write 9 1/2 Weeks. Unsanitized butt plugs? Vaginal beads? Did she get hold of the Babe Land catalog and go from there?

    What's even worse - this is fan fiction sprung from TWILIGHT. Sigh. And EL James is a quazillionaire for it.

    Here's a fun read for the weirder scenes that probably won't be in the movie.

  8. Poor thing..trying to give the movie some credibility when we all know its going to be like another Showgirls movie. Its going to make them famous for the wrong reasons then sink their careers just like it did for Elizabeth Berkley. To think Charlize Theron lost the part to her...she should thank her lucky stars!

  9. No desire to read book or see film. Love me some Jamie though....

  10. Hahaha, that was me before Christmas. Love me some Tig. Pace yourself. Don't binge on it for 2 1/2 weeks straight; you'll overdose.

  11. Well imma say what many are thinking/ imagine if Charlie Hunnan were in it??!! No one wld give a rats ass if it was a love story or not, we'd just want to see him in action!! Lololol

  12. Hah! This WISHES it was Showgirls!! Never have that longevity lol or fantastic one liners...

  13. The movie definitely would have been better with Charlie Hunnan and Alexis Bledel (I heard that she was someone people were saying should play the "virgin"). I'd believe Alexis as a virgin. There's no way in hell I believe Dakota Johnson Is one. Who knows? Maybe Dakota will amaze everyone in this role. I doubt it but there's always that chance. The only way I'll end up watching this is when it comes to late night, nothing else on, cable.
