Monday, January 5, 2015

Instagram Pic of the Day

A photo posted by Tara Reid (@tarareid) on


  1. "I'm a mermaid."

    No, honey, you're a whore.

    God, I'm in a bitchy mood today. Stupid work.

  2. Replies
    1. How funny Lady H..I watched that movie the week I was sick and was amazed at how pretty she used to be. I was like who is that girl and then went to IMDB . Very surprised.

  3. Anyone hear about all the Kanye West fans tweeting things like: "Whos this Paul McCartney guy/he sure is lucky to collaborate with Kanye...."

    1. I saw that on the DM site. I can believe it, too.

    2. I mean, I can believe people would tweet that, not that Sir Paul is lucky to be working with the voice of a generation. :P

  4. LOL @Bally & LadyH, keep 'em coming!

    @Derek, I don't even like Paul McCartney and I was all WTH?

    Tara has had good luck with sea life, though. Sharknado made her a mermaid?

    1. God bless you for saying it... Sir McC needs to enjoy a well deserved retirement.

  5. Ha! Pic reminded me of the girl in the restaurant tank scene in Where the Boys Are..maybe that will be tr's next gig.

  6. Tara's floation devices are keeping her from truly being a mermaid

  7. Isn't she supposed to be chasing a dollar bill on a fishhook? (As usual?)

  8. Well, she does emit the smell of fish....

  9. I'm going OT on the last post - I got a sneak preview of Gone Girl on BluRay. I still don't think Ben was the perfect choice for the role (he's about 10 or so years older than Nick Dunne) but damn, this role will not do well to make Ben Affleck's cheating rumours go away and he does a fine job. Rosamund Pike is amazing!!

    1. 7 of 11 : i thought I'd be disappointed with the film version after reading the book, & think Ben could easily have been replaced (& i missed the peen shot)however Rosamund was perfect.

    2. @Bee, totally agree (and I missed the peen shot, too, but heaven forbid we miss all the boob shots!). I kind of wish I hadn't read the book because the setup was so perfect in the movie, too.

      I read the book and then, on the advice of someone at GoodReads, read it again thinking about how the one character you think is the psychopath is, but another character is, too (trying not to spoil). The author did a really good job and the director made it happen. I liked the detective but not her assistant, he was derp. I wish they'd had someone like Kathie Lee Griffin as the Nancy Grace character, heh. Or even Kristin Chenowith, I think with her shrill voice and cutesiness, she could have made that character even more dislikable.

    3. Oh yes! Kristin would've been perfect casting! I'm not sure whether seeing the movie first would have meant not bothering with the book though. So I'm glad i did it in that order. I loved the reactions of others in the cinema who hadn't read the book! I was jealous of their ability to succumb to the twists & be surprised!

    4. @Dizzel, it was played a little better in the book, the twist was a true twist but it's what happens AFTER the twist that makes you have to re-read the book for the motivations.

      OK, so I'm at the part with the hammer (no spoilers!) and then she's got these post-its on a calendar. Holy crap. I'm Amazing Amy - I live and die by my calendar and use post-its because things change and pencils break. Must warn SO before it's too late!

  10. I didn't like the casting Seven but after watching it he won me over. RP was awesome. She nailed the cold bitch part and the glee she had midway through was perfectly portrayed.

    1. @katy, she reminded me of someone and I can't for the life of me think who! I b*ed and moaned that Reese wasn't cast as Amy but Rosamund NAILED IT (she was blonde at the time, haha). I thought the Go character might've been better with Maggie Gyllenhall but the actor who played Go did a good job.

    2. I was initially surprised at Go's casting also - was expecting more of a quirky 90's grunge Portland type chick. She still pulled it off though.. ..

    3. Even Amy's voice was bitchy, Rosamund was perfect!

    4. Carrie Coon was cast as Go - she was in Playboy Club and is in Justin Theroux's The Leftovers (that I ditched after about episodes, so I don't remember her character).

    5. I don't want to watch the movie because I like the way the book goes in my mind :p

    6. That was quite possibly the worst sex scene ever. And then she flips her hair like "task done"!


    7. Seven the scene in the car when she's eating junk food was perfect to me. She played that spot on.

    8. Katy : i LOVED the junk food scene.

  11. Of you guys liked Gone Girl, I just finished a book called "The girl on the train" by Paula Hawkins that has the same feel that Gone Girl did.

    1. Gina - thanks for the suggestion - I'll add it to my list next time I'm putting an order in at the Book Depository. Lots of time on my hands to read!

  12. I loved gg the movie!!
    Never read the book. Loved Rosamund's voice and tone throughout. Sort of reminds me of who Blake lively will be in about 3 years on their 5 year mark.. The total cool girl scheming sociopath who morphs into whoever her guy wants her to be to land him.

    With Leo she was the cool party girl
    Same with affleck
    With Ryan all of a sudden she "never drinks" wants tons of babies and wants to bake cupcakes all day barefoot and pregnant.
    She also was Harvey Weinstein side piece for a few years trying to be the new it girl..
    I have a feeling Amazing Amy will come around again in Mrs Reynolds marriage in about 3 years.
