Monday, January 12, 2015

Did Beyonce Just Announce Her Pregnancy On Instagram?

Here's the picture causing all the buzz, sans caption, naturally. You decide.

A photo posted by Beyoncé (@beyonce) on


  1. Bey to me is like Lunesta. A friend of mine took Lunesta and she got great sleep, except for when she was doing things like cooking four course meals and driving to the 24 hour grocery at 2AM for prime rib. Bey wants you to think all is well and awesome when in reality, her pregnancy belly FOLDS in on itself.

    1. You can see by the look on her face she realizes what is happening and tries to cover it up with her arm. I've never seen that before.

    2. yeah that "baby bump" deflated like a pool float
      she's so thirsty for attention now it's disappointing how much
      attention she seeks and gets angry when her and camel toe are
      getting ignored.. how many copies did her repackaged "look at me"
      beyonce album sell last 2 months??

      World: 5,000,000
      (as of 2014)[68]
      US: 2,136,000
      (as of 2014)[69]
      UK: 418,000
      (as of 2014)[68]
      i thought the surprise album sold more than it did but it only sold about ^^^

      taylor swift however sold

      US: 3,660,000[L]
      CAN: 190,000[M]
      JPN: 129,000[N]
      UK: 90,336[O]
      since 3 months ago

      gotta be hurting the b

    3. It was the cover story after the baby...How I lost 65 pounds...and she looked no different than she had just before she announced her pregnancy...that pissed me off the most.

  2. So what she's really saying here is that Jay's side piece is expecting again

  3. Here's my two cents: every 6-9 months, there is a Beyoncé news leak or rumor. There'll be a lyric change in a concert that hints at a split, or a vague Instagram, or some sort of family drama and it's all to keep these thirsty people in the forefront of the publics attention. I am no longer interested.

    1. yup and the public has caught on to their fakety, fake fake-ness
      everyone is outing their shit and it's so see-through

  4. Right? I never cared or even bothered to believe until I saw that clip. I'm sorry but a belly full of a baby does not fold like a chicken cutlet in spanx.

    The other weird thing is the detail of her breasts. It's clearly implied by the small finger marks and the presence of Aqua Vine in the photo that she covered mommy with sand, so why are mommy's nipples sticking out? Weird.

    1. Yes, the magic origami pregnancy! Lol

    2. They probably had some famous artist (or picasso resurrected from the dead) to do the sand sculpture. Really, does anybody truly think she's carrying this (or the prior) child in her on perfect wonderful body? Pulease!

  5. @Snarky, I agree with you. I guess the marital split rumors have been out of the papers since December or so, so maybe the schedule is more like every 3 months. But I am no longer interested either.

    1. Sorry, I meant September, not December.

    2. I think you're timeline is closer! But her ploy screams of desperation and is really irritating.

  6. I had to stop and ask myself...."If she IS in fact announcing her pregnancy, do I in fact have any fucks to give?" and the answer was a resounding NO so I went back to counting the sparrows on the birdfeeder.

  7. Her attention-seeking ways don't annoy me for some reason,this is a sweet picture

  8. I agree with Snarky and Brenda, IDGAF.

  9. Bey101: how do get the focus back to you when everyone else is talking golden globes

  10. Well that's about as real as it's ever gonna get.

  11. Do they have a photographer on staff following them around for candids? Bizarre.

    1. yes.. beyonce has a photographer/ videographer everywhere she goes at all times.. and she has a beyonce archive that is climate controlled with every news item/ photo/ video of beyonce evahhh

  12. the sand belly is about as real as her last pregnancy belly

  13. I really, really, really don't care. I yearn for the days when pregnancy wasn't a gimmick. I know, I'm old.

  14. Not that I give two shits, but her belly is far too low if she's really pregnant. Need a better sand artist there chicky.
