Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Deep Thoughts

What makes you feel old?


  1. The fact that I turn 40 in a couple months :/ How the fuck did this happen?

    1. Amen Rose.
      The fact that there is a generation who are now of voting age who
      -have never heard of Atari
      -Cannot remember a life without the internet
      -have had a cell for as long as they remember
      -have had access to cable since birth (remember when MTV debuted? How it was SUCH A BIG DEAL to get home in time from school?) speaking of, they also don't know when videos were kind of creative. Thriller, anyone? Suck it Gaga.

    2. It's not so bad RL and BR... I TOTALLY remember the day MTV started, the day after my 11th bday. I had some friends over and we were sooo excited and I remember watching that first video "Video killed the radio star" like it was yesterday. Probably wearing my pink "jelly" shoes. Memba "jelly" shoes?

    3. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessss! And swatches!

    4. I absolutely remember MTV's launch :) I also remember my step-dad saying how weird it was to have a channel just for music. He didn't think it was going to last. lol
      I'm not normally the type of person to agonize over birthdays or aging. 30 didn't phase me, 35 was a piece of cake. But I have a feeling 40 isn't going to be an easy one. I'm already having mild anxiety about it and my bday isn't until April. Maybe as a gift to myself I'll get a prescription for Xanax hahaha Actually....that might not be a bad idea.

    5. RL Bring enough to share...I'm gonna be 45 this summer...I could one or two :)

    6. @Rose - 40 is the new 20!! You've got this :D

    7. thanks, @Teresa!! @Wahoowifey - we can have a wine & xanax party and watch Madonna videos all day :)

    8. April a big month for me too,not looking forward to it! I feel old when the other ladies at my mother and baby group were born in the 90s....they are only babies themselves!!

    9. Indeed Rose, I'm right there with you. Im paying more attention to the 40 and fabulous articles, wtf?

      When the Dr says, "oh that is probably due to hormones. How old are you? 39 yeah it happens..."

      Hasn't happened much lately, but a few years ago when I would get invited to a 30th birthday party, that was always an automatic eyeroll.

      My longtime celebrity crushes being in their 50's.

      My friends having kids in high school, we are not *that* old!

  2. Going into a Hollister store. So dark and so loud! LOL

    Also, this year I discovered that
    1) I am now older than Sally was in When Harry Met Sally
    2) I am the same age that Carrie Bradshaw was when she was dating Aiden and cheating on him with married Big. Eek! At least I'm not having an affair with a married man, so there's that :)

    1. Hollister is the worst! How can you even see the clothing?

    2. Last year I complained to sale staff at AX (Armani Exchange) that the music was too loud lol---it was! Louder than any club I have ever been to....

    3. The Hollister here is getting a makeover, I hope they're adding lots of lights.

    4. YES! This. I remember watching SITC in my early twenties and thinking that Carrie and her friends were so old

      Now I am the same age as they were and I feel like such a failure b/c I'm not a partner at a law firm or living on the Upper East Side

    5. @terresa---well you got yourself a man! It took them forever haha

    6. Hot! Now that is a grown-up : )

    7. Agree VIP and Derek, the music is too loud in both Hollister and AX. Add Abercrombie to the list.

  3. Not knowing any recent music by song title or artist anymore,celebrity babies suddenly being adult,remembering the world without internet......There's a rich seam to be mined here

  4. My 20 year college reunion and my gray hair.

  5. I'm 44 (no kids) and I have a few fb friends (my age) that are now becoming.......GRANDPARENTS!!! WTF?!?!?! ...oh and my crows feet. I'm pretty hip for a 44 yrs old though.

    1. I was in my late 30's. Nobody asked me if I was ready to be a Gram.

      I used to get asked all the time if I was my granddaughter's Mother. I never get asked that now, I'm just automatically the Grammy.

      Okay, now THAT makes me feel old.

    2. I've got classmates like that too. But then, some of my classmates subscribed to the "better to burn out than fade away" mentality and still party like they're in high school. They look rough. (I bought my bestie a bottle of wine for Christmas and got carded, though.) I guess it balanced the rest of it.

  6. when do people start getting grey hair? I am NOT looking forward to that...

    1. Totally depends, my sister had tons of grey hair in her 20s. I am late 30s and have at most 5 grey hairs. I lucked out there.

    2. One of my best friends started getting white hair in her very black hair around age 24 but her mother was totally gray by 30, we think it might be a Scottish thing as her mother and father were of Scottish descent.

    3. I'm 32, and got some gray hairs during both of my pregnancies. Luckily, no more decided to show up (yet) after I had the babies!

    4. I noticed my first gray hairs at 19 and I laughed because I knew 19 wasn't old.

      Now I'm 38 and have quite a few, especially in front, but I color my hair regularly. The worst ones are the silver wiry pubic-style ones. Those get plucked out.

    5. Have decided to embrace mine,as long as they continue in a stripe a la Lily Munster

    6. My brother is 10 years younger than me and has grey hairs,I have only a few,mainly since giving birth ; )

    7. They aren't grey hairs, they're new HIGHLIGHTS! Definitely easier to be a blond when the HIGHLIGHTS start showing up.

    8. I don't have any grey in my hair but my beard has some in it. I'm thinking of getting some of the Just For Men since it does seem kind of weird to have it in my goatee but not on my head.

  7. The number one thing that makes me feel old is my body. After doing heavy yard work, dancing, or lots of walking, I really feel it the next day. It sucks.

    1. I used to run up the stairs at work, two at a time, passing older co-workers. Now, I go up one at a time, and the younger co-workers are passing me. Karma's a bitch.

  8. The single, stupid sun spot that showed up over my right eyebrow. I have others, and those just look like freckles, but this one spot... This one...

  9. Oh, hell no, Outtie! I ain't playing this game! ;(

    It's hit me hard recently that I've outlived both of my parents, by several years. Granted, they both died young. But still... :(

    1. @MeanieRhysie

      Don't worry, Darlin'. You & I will ride this rollercoaster out together. :-)

  10. When my nieces talk to me about things I've never heard of.

    Them: "You don't know what a Penny board is?!"

  11. The fact I have to wear a heart monitor for 48 hours and realize my dad died of hear disease just 9 years from the age I am now. So I feel like my time is a ticking!

  12. Twitter and Instagram kind of make me feel old (or maybe just obsolete). I don't get hashtagging every single thing you do. Like if I posted a photo of me taking my morning vitamins, how many hashtags would there be? And why would I post a photo of me taking vitamins?

    1. #mornings #vitamins #healthyliving #blessed

    2. Good one Rose! I laughed at #blessed So trite

  13. I don't really get hung up on aging. I think my job as a piano teacher completely makes me feel young. But I do feel old when discussing music with some of the kiddos and they have no idea who Elvis is or the Beatles or Billy Joel or Bruce Springsteen or the Beastie Boys. It makes me feel way old for a sec but then I just chalk that ignorance to poor exposure to any music whatsoever from their sheltered families. Baffles my brain how many kids tell me they don't listen to music ever, and yet they study how to play the piano. WTF? And then I tell these kiddies that if I need to know who Taylor Swift and One Direction and Ariana Grande are they sure as hell should know who Elvis is. Christ.

    Telling a bunch of hooligans who were drinking and smoking in front of my house when a trashy teen down the street held a party last year while her parents weren't home made me feel hella old. First of all I was on the period and was so not feeling well. I rolled my 110 pound self out there in my leopard jammies in the freezing cold and told a dozen punk asses to, "Get the fuck off my lawn or I will call the police in 30 seconds." And they left!!!! They didn't even talk back. LOL. I was so pissed that my husband, and the two meathead cops who live next door to me did nothing about this nonsense. It was ME. I was so proud yet so old at that moment.

    Being called mam definitely makes me feel elderly.

    And when I worry about gas prices and shit like that. I remember in the fall the price of eggs totally doubled and it really annoyed me. Dang, I'm old.

    I also feel old when we're hanging out with people in their 20s and they tell me and my husband about their three parties they need to attend in a row. I so remember double or triple booking my nights. The thought of that now sounds EXHAUSTING. I just want to be on my couch alone with my wine, my cookbooks and my trash TV.

    Fortunately, I have no gray hairs. Yay! I am 38. My mom and my sisters always say they do not understand how I still have my natural color. I've never dyed my hair.

  14. Seeing celebs have children and knowing i prob wont aee them grow up. Shailene woodley, jenn lawrence, theo james- any young actor that is so accomplished in many diff areas and have their whole life ahead of them. I miss that feeling that i can just go out and kick the worlds' ass.

    1. @aunt licky: You will be kicking ass for a very, very loooong time. :D

      I only hope I can keep up with you. LOL

  15. Having a child old enough to learn to drive this year......

    Rose - I turned 39-year-2 last year, and decided that I was going to make it a year to remember. Over the course of the year I set out to do new things, have memorable experiences, etc. I ran my first marathon, went on my first cruise, watched the sun rise on my big day, purged my entire wardrobe, volunteered, got a new tattoo, hosted my first family holiday dinner.....and lots of other little things. All this to say that while turning 40 can be daunting, it's all about how you approach it. So I say have an awesome 40th!! ;)

  16. Kids I babysat are now in college or married and/or make more money than I do :(

  17. One of the current Dallas Cowboys said he had never heard of the Ice Bowl. Old Cowboys' and Packers' fans will know what that means. That made me feel old because I remember watching it.

  18. For me (excluding world events), I think the lack of respect shown to the history of music & filmmaking really gets to me. I get the dissing of the older generation's music, etc. That's a given. It's when someone says they can't believe there's anyone studying old films anymore since everything's digital nowadays. That no one is studying Chaplin, Keaton, Wyler, Hawks, Capra, etc. And don't get me started on music. O_o

    I want to scream "Are you fucking kidding me?" Cuz they're old enough to remember. They aren't in their teens or 20s. Or oblivious to the Arts.

    While silent films are an acquired taste (cuz you can't multitask, lol), I watched "Metropolis" yesterday for the first time in all of its restored glory. Previously, I'd only seen snippets years ago. It was mind-blowing & the overall message still remains relevant today.

    Call me old, but I wish I could be:

    Kissed by William Powell
    Dance with Fred Astaire
    Squired around town by Brian Aherne
    Svengali'd by George Sanders

    And sung to by Springsteen! HA!

    I ain't that old. :D


  19. Finding out a full-grown adult that I've been talking to was born after 1990. That really freaks me out.

  20. Diz- when my grandaughter qas about 7, she urgently called me to the basement because there was something really weird down there. I rushed down there. It was a rotary dial phone! Lol

  21. Assorted authority figures-police,doctors politicians etc, looking like fresh-faced teenagers.Such a cliche but so true

  22. Watching commercials and realizing that I'm closer in age to the people being urged to get their shingles shot than the young chippies in the Heineken commercials. Oy vey.

  23. Reading this thread makes me feel old #truestory

  24. When my newest clueless boss asks how long I've been with the company, and I say since 1996, and he says, OH! I started kindergarten that year!

    Also I was looking at the T-shirt I got at my first concert in 1987, and worried about it looking old and worn, and someone commented that it's not bad for a 28 year old shirt. Wait, 28 YEARS??? It's been almost (not quite, but almost) twice as long SINCE the concert as the age I was AT the concert? How?

    Also a co-worker who is just out of college, I talk to her like we're essentially the same age. But, really, a person who is as much older than me as I am older than her would be RETIRED.

    I'm so old.

  25. Good grief, where do I even start?? Being called ma'am. Realizing all my stilettos have been replaced with flats. Seeing all my skirts have gone from 6 inches above the knee to 6 inches below!! Losing my keys 4 times a day. At least in my little pea brain, I'm still young and hip - even though I'm not. Sigh.

  26. Seeing the year of birth required to buy alcohol and realizing they were born
    - after I graduated high school
    - after I graduated college
    - and NOW after I got married.
    Being called Ma'am
    Thinking the music is too loud
    My body

  27. It makes me feel old that I no longer give a shit about going to see live music anymore (and I live in Austin Texas mind you). It's too freaking loud, expensive, late and I can't stand on my feet that long. I sure as hell can't do the band road trips anymore and sleep on the floor at someone's house that lets us crash there. God I was married to a musician for nearly 15 years and we used to do that shit all the damn time. I lived for gigs. Now? I could care less. That's what You Tube is for right?

  28. Being shorter than my nephews.

    Yanking hairs out of my ears.
