Friday, January 16, 2015

Chris Brown Violates Probation, May Go To Jail

On Monday, you read about the recent shooting at a Chris Brown concert. The judge has decided that the concert violated his probation in the Rihanna case, which has now been revoked. Brown did not get permission to leave the county prior to performing in San Jose. Additionally, the judge expressed concern that people have been getting shot at Chris Brown concerts. The probation officer recommended jail, and TMZ quotes the officer as stating that Brown has shown "a pattern of making choices that are counterproductive." A hearing has been set for March 20th to decide on the singer's fate.


  1. He'll go for about a minute.
    I loathe that punk.

  2. People on probation, especially violent criminals, would be well advised to follow the terms of their probation.

    Put him in a cell and throw away the key.

  3. He's such an ass digging his grave by his own hand. Goodbye to bad medicine i say.
    And like how the judge is "concerned" about the shooting at the concerts, like he's "concerned" the toilets are backing up at the concert or something, lolol

  4. Only two more visits on his punch card and he qualifies for a free latte!

    1. I thought you were gonna say - FREE set of dishes. I'm thinking of Green Stamps (yes, I'm old).

  5. Martha Stewart went to jail for a year for selling her stock before it crashed. Five months in jail, then five months of house arrest with electronic monitoring, and two years of probation where she had to work and couldn't "associate with people with a criminal record". And she was denied a passport to speak at the Royal Academy because of her conviction.

    Fist Brown beat the everloving hell out of his girlfriend and pled guilty to a felony offense, and he got community service and probation. He pretended he didn't remember beating the crap out of Rihanna. He lost his s* on GMA and threatened producers after trying to destroy his dressing room, then ranted on Twitter that everyone hates him and loves Charlie Sheen. He went to a Halloween party dressed an Islamic terrorist. He's violated probation several times now and people who attend his concerts get the helpful bonus of a potential gunshot wound. He has yet to serve more than a day or two in jail.

    One of these people is a menace.

    1. Martha isn't one to fuck with. Organic shanks & jail ponchos.

    2. One was in federal prison one was in a superior court jurisdiction.... two different beasts.

      I see we ignore the fact that at the time she committed the crime of insider trading she was a member of board that oversaw the Dow Jones stock exchange. She wasn't some plain Jane, she was a person in high office who was bound by the highest ethical standards imaginable. And she did it anyway.

    3. They are two different beasts, but the point is that one got busted on a money charge - that she eventually had to repay x3 - the other pled guilty to a felony of beating the everloving crap out of a human being, lying about it, violating probation, using drugs while on probation, beating up people at clubs, getting out of community service, holding concerts outside of the area he was not supposed to leave (don't they have freaking ankle bracelets down there?!), and shootings at his concerts. There's a schism when violation against money is more convictable (I know, not a word) than violations against humans and flaunting laws. The Feds don't mess around, I hope that toolbag does something like skip his taxes so the book can actually be thrown at him for real.

  6. Yet, Chris is still convinced he isn't the problem, as his solution seems to lie in his claims that he will no longer attend or perform at "n**** parties. Nice.

    Between shots fired at 1Oak in August and again this week in San Jose, you better believe he's being monitored. Both LAPD and NYPD have special hip hop squads to monitor gang connected musicians, and Chris is one of their top priorities. He's lucky to still be alive.

  7. If he murdered the football teams though he would not live long enough to serve jail time..

  8. Ah Tina. That is indeed a wrap.
