Friday, January 16, 2015

Blind Gossip Blind Item - This Will Rock Your Faith In Marriage

We don’t want this little story to rock your faith in marriage. But it just might.

In comparison to many rock stars whose lives have descended down the slippery slope of drugs and alcohol and unabated decadence over time, this singer has a relatively good name. He is one of the world’s best-selling musical artists AND he is a family man in a long-term marriage.

Nice, right? Hold on, though. Everything is not what it seems! He has an arrangement with his wife. While he is on tour, they have an open relationship. However, he is only allowed to sleep with a very specific type of partner who has been screened and hired through an agency. The type of partner he sleeps with? Transsexuals!


Source: Blind Gossip


  1. JBJ was my first thought until I read Transsexuals....

    1. Yeah, agreed. Right up until that last word, I thought JBJ, but he doesn't strike me as the type. What about Bono?

  2. I was going to say Jon Bon Jovi too. Or Ozzy, lol.

  3. Good for them for having their own private agreement.

  4. Boy, transexuals are having a bit of a moment, eh? Sad and disheartening, but if works for them, who's to say?

  5. Gavin Rossdale comes to mind but he's not top selling anything.

    Paul Anka FTW!

  6. As long as the wife is aware and agrees to it, good for them. Does she get to play around on the side though?

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  8. Replies
    1. Sting was my first thought as well. Maybe Trudie doesn't see that as "technically" cheating (who knows?)

  9. How about Dee Snider? They've been married forever and she famously said he could have sex with anyone as long as only loved her, or words to that effect.

  10. The vast majority of guesses on BG are Jon Bon Jovi. He does seem to fit the clues best.

  11. I thought of Donnie Osmond. The blind doesn't say he's a rock star, just that he's a singer.

  12. I don't know why but Gene Simmons was the first to pop in my head. Not saying I think it is him...he was just the first to pop in...I think because he is so well known to NEVER have done one single drug and barely drinks if at all and he and Shannon Tweed have been together since 83'. idk...

    1. They've only been actually married for the last few years though and Shannon knows he bangs other women all over the place.

  13. Transsexual (spell check wanted to make it Tea sexual, very Austin powers there) means they have had the operation, but Transgender they may or may not have, just living as a different sex than what they were born with? I think?

  14. What about the Tom Jones, Julio Islesias, rid Stewart type?

  15. Ok looked it up basically yes transsexual means they had the operations, hormones etc - so I'm wondering what the turn on would be just knowing who you're having sex with used to be the opposite sex.
    Different strokes and all, no shade, just wondering.

    1. Would make sense if you want to avoid the risk of having kids outside the marriage.

    2. It would Indeed remove that pesky pregnancy risk.

  16. I really, really hope this isn't JBJ. I've always admired him for being married (to the same woman!) for so long. I'm probably too naive, but I always hoped they were the real deal.

  17. Ohhh wait - "faith" and "slippery"
    Bon Jovi song Keep the faith
    Album slippery when wet

  18. If this is supposed to be JBJ, i think the blind is slippery.
    No way are transexual escorts mainstream enough for a Jersey Boy Like Jon.

    As for Cock Stars and their "arrangements" made after the "I DO's" should grow the F up. As for the women who have no choice but to "allow" it, SHOP ON and while you're at it pick up a backbone, soe self worth, and a hotter guy.

  19. Please bring the person who would say what Enty lawyer was saying. The gossip here is boring. There are two items over at blindgossip, one about a engagement ring that she wears at time but, it might be over. The other is about someone being pg but its fake and the person was paid and then will revealed she had a miscarriage.
