Monday, December 8, 2014

Set Your DVR

This week's primetime holiday special line up! Check your local listings for exact times.

The Santa Clause 2 (AMC)

Santa Claus is Comin' to Town (ABC)
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (CBS)

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (ABC Family)
The Santa Clause 2 (AMC) 

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (ABC Family)
Scrooged (ABC Family)

The Santa Clause (ABC Family)
Frosty's Winter Wonderland (ABC Family)
Miracle on 34th Street--remake (ABC Family)
White Christmas (AMC)

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (CBS)
Frosty the Snowman (CBS)
Frosty Returns (CBS)
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (ABC Family)
Miracle on 34th Street--original (AMC)

Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas (ABC Family)
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (AMC)


  1. My husband is going to kill Outtie for bringing this to my attention. CHRISTMAS MOVIES FOREVER.

  2. I love these cartoons. They remind me of my childhood.

  3. I'll watch Christmas Vacation on DVD, it's not the same without those Clark Griswold cuss filled rants!

  4. Made my boyfriend watch Charlie Brown Christmas this weekend. He didn't get it, but I couldn't tell if it was because he didn't grow up with it, or if he was just being his normal French self.

  5. I wonder if any networks will be showing National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.

    1. Fingers crossed jbe!!!

      The best Christmas present of all
      Tuesday night Victorias Secret show!!
      Massive Sarcasm Eyeroll..

    2. Maybe after I'll Netflix Apocalypse Now..

  6. I'm a sucker for Christmas movies. I've got to admit the first time I saw Elf I wasn't impressed. I watched it again last year and loved it. I'll be watching again this year too.

  7. Love christmas movies! Original Miracle, first Home Alone, Elf, rudolph- enjoy them all!

  8. I love Rudolph and the funny ones, Elf, Vacation, but I must be old now because I've become obsessed with It's A Wonderful Life. Been trying to watch the whole thing for a few days now. It all started because someone recommended A Very Merry Mix Up on Lifetime. I laughed and planned on watching for a good laugh but it was so cute that I watched it twice!

  9. I try my best to avoid Rudolph and Frosty. Both those specials bug the heck out of me after having watched them for years and years. My absolute favorite Christmas movie is A Christmas Story.

  10. My favorite is the Anna Nicole Christmas Special (no joke). It's available on the Season 1 DVD set.

    Also great is the Janice Dickinson Christmas Special. It's not available anywhere to my knowledge but a portion is on YouTube: Janice singing "The 12 Days of Christmas."

  11. Yay to tcm for showing Christmas in Connecticut, the man who came to dinner and lots of other great holiday films, but boo on them for not airing the original miracle on 34th st this year, or holiday inn. Boo on amc for being the worst movie station..cutting them to shreds and constant commercials.

    1. TCM aired Holidy Inn a couple years ago, uncut, including the black face routine. Don't know why they wouldn't air it this year...

  12. Love Vacation and Elf! Agree with Omar, Clark's rant is the best! I'll also watch Christmas Story but only closer to the day or I get burned out on it.
