Monday, December 22, 2014

Reader's Choice

What's going on in your world today?


  1. Mourning the death of a legend. RIP, Joe Cocker. :(

  2. Working and realizing I still need a couple more gifts. It's going to be booze, cash, and gift cards, so it won't be too hard.

  3. Working, taking it easy. I thought I would be driving the person who slept on my porch to a shelter today but he took off at daybreak. He got a good meal and safe harbor.

  4. Feeling a sense of accomplishment after getting out early, braving the crowds, and finishing my Christmas shopping. No Christmas Eve horror for me this year.

  5. Trying to convince Mr. Min Pin to rescue one more furry kid before Xmas (there's a 9 month old Iggy that needs to come live with us). So many homeless cats and dogs not enough people wanting them. I saw at least 10 cool looking cats in rescue yesterday but we can't have cats anymore. Our dogs LOVE chasing them too much. Not fair to the cats.

    1. Thanks Kat! How goes it with your cat farm? I'm still working on getting Mr. Min Pin interested in one more mouth to feed and one more body to hog the bed. I hate to think of that little pup stuck in a cage over the holidays.

  6. Somebody was at a party and got into the Schnapps this weekend. Not saying it was me...not saying it wasn't. I still have shopping to do and every single parking spot in the mall is taken up.

  7. Baking Christmas cookies.

  8. Crashing low about Joe Cocker!! Also found out today my 6 yr old granddaughter has bowel/ anal malformation and may need surgery, inc temp colostomy!!! Beside myself but we dont have all the info yet, maybe can be treated not so invasively. Otherwise im setting in the car while 4 grandchildren and my daughter and mr liddy are wrangling them in Barnes and Noble. Because i kind if fudged the truth and said i wasnt feeling well. Because i just cant, lol. All. Day. Yesterday. And today. A gal gets tired of saying dont sit too close to your sister, stop telling poop jokes, dont punch each other, no you can rearrange the living toom, no prdicures, no tea parties with water, no everyone isnt getting in hot bath, this isnt a spa, im sorry you think im mean, please pick up one of a thousand pcs of paper on the floor, why is the rug wet- you get the idea, lol

    1. Sugarhugs to you aunt liddy..
      my fur babies send their fur hugs too..

    2. Keeping your granddaughter in my prayers, Liddy. Hopefully it won't be as dire as they first thought. Poor little baby. :(

    3. Getoff and suge and fur babies- heartfelt thanks.

  9. I finished my shopping today shingles and all!!!

    Did you know shingles medicine is valtrex? Just call me Wonky McValtrex :( Maybe Paris had shingles? No way that's not funny. She totally got herpes from her dog or something gross.

    1. Her dog probably has some sort of disposable lip shield it wears to keep her cooties from touching it's lips.

  10. Still submersed in the new Madonna songs she released Friday night. Ghosttown might by my 2nd favorite song of hers EVER (after Like A Prayer). It's just so beautiful.

  11. I am catching up on gossip before I hit the kitchen to make gingerbread loaf.

  12. Rise, thanks for the heads up on Madonna song.
    And I'm sick. Everyone's sick
