Monday, December 29, 2014

Nikki Reed and Ian Somerhalder Have White Powder For Christmas

Nikki Reed spent her Christmas break hitting the slopes with boyfriend Ian Somerhalder, reports Us Weekly. The couple were in Sun Valley, Idaho with Reed's brother. The two began dating back in July.


  1. Not to be a Grinch (I'm totally a Grinch) but I'm so over everyone being in love....NEXT!

    1. Me too. Started thinking about my ex girlfriend all of a sudden last week. Hit me like a truck. We are not on speaking terms which makes the situation more sucky. I can't wait until this stupid time of year is over and life resumes normally next week.

    2. Okay, I'll bite. Gina and Jason - share your numbers and hook up already!

    3. Lol@Stepforded
      @Jason....not only did I start thinking about one of my ex's...I actually did the ultimate no-no and got intouch with him...never a good idea. I too can't wait for next week to start!!!

  2. ditto.. they bug me w/ constant pap calling and ig shots and he whined at emmys last year about lack of privacy after very set up shots

  3. Somerhalder is the doofus who cries about climate change and dirty air, yada, yada, yada but turns around and tweets about his (airplane) trips to China, Spain, Canada, Russia, Hungary, Italy, France, Belgium, England and coast-to-coast US jaunts. I also suspect he didn't take an electric car to Sun Valley. Another do as I say and not as I do elitist celebrity.

    1. It cracked me up that he's got this whole positive energy and compassion spiel under the pic and I come to the comments and you're all "Fuck this guy and his bullshit." lol

      Happy Last Monday of 2014!

    2. @disco You're right. It's the season of good will and love for others. Let me fix it.

      Dear Ian, Joyful holidays and Happy New Year, you hypocritical, self-indulgent jackwagon.

  4. Hi disco, isn't that why we're here? We call out the BSers, right?

    And what's with the smiles are contagious crapola? Wasn't that in a Hallmark card from the 90's?

    1. Smiles are only contagious among people who spend a year's salary getting their teeth that white.

    2. I noticed their teeth ... that isn't just whitening though; the top row appear to be veneers. But then look at his bottom teeth - yellow!!! Ewwww! It's like when you see contestants on cheap reality shows who only have the top front four of their teeth whitened and when they smile you can see how they really look. Gross.

  5. I nearly broke the golden rule of don't shit where you eat a few years ago because I was drunk and a guy in my department looks a lot like Ian S. Especially in this picture, oh my god the resemblance is uncanny here.

    We were trashed at a work party when panic set in as the booze ran out towards the end of the night. Then I realized that this guy was smirking because he stashed a bottle of cab in his coat. So naturally, I clung around him and got more drunk. I resisted the first couple times he tried to kiss me because I didn't want to get involved with a colleague but eventually we snuck out of the party to go suck face. We tried to return a bit later and act like everything was normal.

    Ok ladies, here is another lesson learned - so one of my all time signature lipsticks is Sephora red lip stain #1. We were TOTALLY busted because we both had it smeared ALL over our faces. We ran to the bathroom and tried to wash it off but it wouldn't budge. So that's when I learned another crucial rule- never ever wear any lip color like that if there is even a remote chance of a hook up

    Luckily we had the common sense not to go home together. But I will never forget waking up the next morning with the gnarliest beard burn all over my chin and the bottom half of my face still tinted scarlet. The moral of the story is that I have now somehow associated Ian S with beard burn.

    1. Droool, lucky - I don't care what anyone says about Ian S, he is hot hot hot.

    2. LadyH that story is awesome.

    3. LOL! Cool story.

  6. He may be a tool (albeit a hot one), but I can't hate the guy due to all the work he does for animals.

    1. I agree! It breaks my heart when I hear bad stories about it...buh buh but, he loves animals.

  7. I'm going to try not to learn much about him because I'd like to just enjoy the view.

  8. He is cute and I like that he works so hard for animals but he seems to be clueless with regards to his carbon footprint if he's jetting all over hell and half of Georgia.
