Sunday, December 28, 2014

Kaley Cuoco Sweeting Has Sinus Surgery

Een foto die door normancook is geplaatst op


  1. Is it me or does she look like Rue McClanahan here (from Golden Girls)?!

    Get well soon, Penny!

  2. I always knew she'd be taking the Tori Spelling path eventually.... and what a natural beauty
    : /
    Sorry, I am really not a fan.....

  3. I don't like her, I don't know why she feels the need to remind us she's married every chance she gets (No one's after your man Kaley) and I'm pretty positive you can breathe.

    1. I find some married women of all ages always have to reference the husband, if that is part of their identity, so be it.

  4. Replies
    1. @Lady, you win the internet today!

    2. funny lady.. that clip reminds me of all the drunk 20+ college girls i was always trying to shoo away when they were wasted and needing a new bff to cling to all night(aka hold their hair back when they puke)
      no thanks.. that's what the dudes who are going to eventually shag you are for
      not the fake girls who will forget my existence when they're sober and back w/ their bitchy friends..

  5. After all is said and done---maybe she will stop talking through her nose! Her voice is so nasally---like Kelly Taylors in the 1st season of 90210...

  6. She did say that she hates the sound of her voice and won't watch much BBT because it's too nasally and she can "hear it a mile away". It doesn't really bother me, the fakety fakeness of her recent fame is more irritating. Suddenly, she's dating Superman and getting coffee every day and horseriding every day and all of that. I remember her from Charmed and Rules for Dating my Daughter (love love love me some John Ritter!) and there was none of that then. Suddenly she's *everywhere* and shoe shopping and horse riding and guy dating and guy marrying and fake wedding dressing.

    I dunno, I guess it's kind of like the wall JLaw almost hit before she pulled back (which, of course, led to a bunch of rumours that she was going into rehab rather than reigning in some of the publicity b/c some gossip columnists do not like JLaw at all).

    1. I bet she snored like a freight train!
      That would motivate me to have surgery too.

  7. "Sinus surgery", mmmm hmmmm. I don't understand the BBT and Penny love. So many other actresses could've done so much more with that role.

  8. I only watch BBT periodically but the chemistry between the ensemble seems to work from what I see and hey the show is still going. Sometimes sinus surgery is just sinus surgery. Is this pre op or post op because if it is post op that definitely not a nose job.

  9. I appreciate her lack of vanity for posting this photo

  10. My husband took photos of me post surgery (the 1st lot since we'd been together) where I looked inhuman. He's been warned to do no such thing ever again. Having said that, waiting for taxi to hossie. See you all in a few days. Take care and an early happy new year.

    1. Bee - I hope all goes well for you. Sending good thoughts your way.

  11. Bee hope you will be okay!! Keep us posted on your progress.

    LadyH! Loving the Soft Kitty. Thanks for that.

    I don't always get the pics for some reason so can't see Kaley. I think she a sweetie and love BBT. Hope she's recovering quickly. Her nose looked fine so I can't see her needing a nose job. As she's admitted she's had breast augmentation I can't see that she would hide a nose job.

    1. Her bandages would be different if she had rhinoplasty. Finally got the picture.

    2. Yep! Probably a turbinate reduction.

  12. I would have someone's head on a plate if they ever took a post-op picture of me!!!!

  13. Funny how the hub finally smiles when she looks like hell.

    Hope everything is okay Bee.

  14. If this where a nose job wouldn't her face around her nose be all bruised too? I doubt she'd even try & highlight any surgery whatsoever (even cover story surgery) if she'd had a nose job.

    Besides which, her nose didnt need any job on it for aesthetic reasons (not that that stops Hollywood sadly enough)

    Also, I find him hot even though I suspect he is a total douche.

    1. I just don't get the knit hat ugly. Only ones who should wear these in a hospital are newborns.

  15. Hi there @Joella!

    Thanks! How nice to see your name pop up again! I hope all is well in your world!

    @sugartits- whateverrrrr
    I KNOW you would hold my hair while I hurled because you my special boo! ;)

    I hope you are back up, buzzin aboot, and poking the beehive with the proverbial stick again in no time. You got this @Bee Haven!

  16. I don't like her ... she used to be cute on that 'Simple Rules' comedy with John Ritter but now she just looks rough and haggard ... how old is she again?

  17. Probably surgery for a deviated septum from too much coke use. (Christmas is over, I can start being snarky again and not be a big pile of mush like the last few weeks lol)

  18. I think she's adorable. The chemistry between her and Jim Parsons is great, I love the show, they remind me of Canadians, lovely polite geeks.

  19. He seems strangely really happy she's in the hospital.
