Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Deep Thoughts

What song always takes you back to your childhood when you hear it?


  1. Sara, Sara, no time is a good time for goodbyes.....

    any easy listening crap my mom would play in the car...

  2. Replies
    1. yep add those to the type I was talking about....and ROXETTE!

    2. Oh my god, the guitarist of Roxette was my first celebrity crush.

    3. Oh I love Higher Love and Steve Winwood, what an incredible voice he has, I have to get that album out now

      when I was very young, me and my siblings only knew one or two songs from the radio and we would sing them over and over again and drive our parents bonkers, one was Herman's Hermits "I'm Henry the 8th I am" and then it was the Monkees - my dad would take us out for long drives on Sundays to give my mother a sanity break and I remember there was a live concert of the Monkees on the radio and we were singing along to all the songs I can see us in the car just typing this

  3. Shrimp Boats for my childhood. I remember having an LP with that song on it.

    Benny & the Jets for high school.

    1. Karen! Shrimp Boats!!!!! OMG - I had that on a thick, yellow 45!!!

  4. Cats in the Cradle and some song by Joan Baez that I can't remember the name to. My mom would always whip out her guitar at night and sing. Never realized how sad Cats in the Cradle was when I was little of course. Like come on Mom, play something more upbeat!

    1. I saw Harry Chapin in concert a few times. He was marvelous. I think it's the only time I was really sad and affected by someone's death. One of those 'I remember was I was' moments for me.

      I saw him play in NW Ohio one year. There was a big snow storm and he and his band had landed late in Detroit. An announcement was made about the delay, and there wasn't anger among the crowd, but disappointment. Still, nobody moved from their seat. The show was more than an hour past the start time when all of a sudden, here comes Chapin sauntering on stage. Everyone cheers. He takes the microphone and said that the band was still in route, but that he came ahead of them because he didn't want us to have to wait any longer. The crowd erupts. He played and sang alone for a half hour or more. Then, as he was singing, the rest of the band arrived and silently came on stage and started to accompany him. I've been to a lot of concerts, but that one was my favorite.

      I still love Harry Chapin. I listen to the Live album still. Chapin and John Wallace performing Mr. Tanner still puts a lump in my throat.

  5. Anything my mom used to listen to immediately takes me back to my childhood. Anything by the BeeGees, Carpenters, Olivia Newton-John (love her still), Diana Ross...

    1. Yeah. my mom play Olivia a lot. Freddy Fender too. On 8-tracks.

  6. Take Me Home Tonight - "listen, honey, just like a rice side, be my little baby!"

    Anything with Carly Simon b/c my babysitter loved her and played her constantly. I still cringe when I hear a Carly Simon song. And Cat Stevens, holy crap, she played Cat Stevens all the damn time! There was something wrong with that girl.

    1. Seven, Re Take me Home tonight:
      "Just like a rice side"???
      Eddie Money says "Just like RONNIE SANG," and then the next voice is Ronnie Spector's singing, "be my little baby," hearkening to her Ronettes song Be My Baby.

  7. Snap! Rhythm Is A Dancer....Pretty sure it's an early 90's song (I'm an 80's child) but it's the one song that when I hear it I turn it up full blast and dance my ass off like I used too with my little cousins

  8. Bob Seger, Jefferson Airplane all 70's music my parents listened to

    1. Katmandu was my favorite, but he had so many great songs.

  9. Childhood? "Happy trails" end of Roy Rogers show on radoi. My mom wld turn that on for us to fall asleep to. Theme from Lawernce Welk show - one tv and thats what my nana wanted to see so case closed, lol. Any showtunes- my fair lady, flower drum song, judy garland live at the palace, camelot, west side story- my momloved broadway shows and played records every sat am as we cleaned. My father favored Maro Lanza, scottish bagpipes and Irish songs. All of thise temind me of being a kid plus, i like that i was exposed to such a variety of music. I always knew songs that people were surprised i knew- WWII songs, thanks to my mothers brief intense love affair with mitch miller , all thise old songs. Plus like on ed sullivan, you wld see opera, rock, a robert goulet type, plate spinners, lol. Naturally i gravatated to rock, esp in 60's where so much good stuff was coming out-hendrix, airplane, CSNY, byrds, van, beatles, stones- but my point is i was exposed to everything. I dont think yhats the case now and its a shame. Whats that? U hv questions? Yes i hate mitch miller to this day and yes, i am old or vintage- y, whatever you prefer. Lol

    1. Liddy: I remember all of those you mentioned. I remember watching Sing Along with Mitch on (black and white) TV. Remember Lesley Ann Warren in Cinderella?

      I do think we were more well-rounded back then. You just can't find Topo Gigio followed by the Rolling Stones on Sunday nights anymore.

    2. Sounds like my house when I was little. My Mom listened to Ray Coniff (sp) singers, Frank Sinatra, Dinah Shore, and Eddie Fisher.

      I heard the Beatles' "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" the other day and it gave me the chills.

    3. Karen, lol at topo gigio. For some reason my father, who hated all tv and rountinely called it mindless drivel, HATED that mouse. He'd be in dining area reading, but was clise rnough to see and hear tv in living room. An endless stream of snarky sarcastic remarks flowed throughout whole show, but most virulent reserved for " that dame mouse" , " is this the topio gigio show?" And the eddy can i kiss you goodnight always unleashed a ' Jesus Christ!" I dont know what his problem with the rodent was but he hated him. Good memories! Just thinking now, hated June Lockheart because she always looked like she taking an enema off camera. Mever answered the phone- it cld ring 100 times- because it wld just be some jackass he didnt want to speak to anyway. The tv was always too loud, we always slammed yhe doors- which we then had to open and close noiselessly 10 times- and god forbid you were ever caught climbing on the cabinents!!! Anyway, forgive me but this inleashed so many memories!

    4. Liddy: More Ed Sullivan memories: Bill Dana as Jose Jimenez and Allen Sherman singing 'Hello muddah, hello faddah.

    5. Karen, I love that version of Cinderella. Alan Quartermaine was the handsome prince! Leslie's "In My Own Little Corner" made me cry. The Rodgers and Hammerstein stage version is coming to San Diego in 2015 and I'm dying to see it.

      Auntliddy, the mouse was not popular at my house either.

    6. I ️too remember Leslie Ann Warren as Cinderella. Loved that song.

      My mother always worked in radio so there are so many songs too many I should say. "Hello" by ELO reminds me of an old crush Mike Hoffman. As usual all my HS crushes were gay. Led me to a lifetime of GBFF's.

  10. I'm old as dirt so all you younguns are going to have to google this one lol. Seals & Crofts Summer Breeze. That damn song makes me so reflective when I hear it and a bit melancholy.

    1. The opening of that song gets me every time.

    2. Me too. The opening cords happen and BAM, depression tries to creep up on me. It makes me remember my childhood, siblings, and how fucking old I am now and how most of my life is now in the past. Good grief, not many songs can do that in under twenty seconds lol.

    3. Love them. Still have the Summer Breeze album (vinyl) somewhere around here. All scratched up, probably, from repeated listening.

  11. Oh oh and my mom always has Hotel California by The Eagles on, bloody classic.

  12. Shilo by Neil Diamond, great tune!

  13. Working Girl theme song takes me back. I wanted to be like her when I grow up!

  14. Hundreds of songs from the 70's. Loving You by Minnie Ripperton stands out, though.

  15. "Jukebox Hero" by Foreigner.

    My cousin had left to join the army, and he left behind his stereo and all his 8-tracks. There was one 8-track that was unopened, and it was the album with that song on it. I played the hell out of that song.

  16. That's Why They Call It a The Blues. Elton John. I was young in the back of a car driving over the Tobin Bridge. For some reason whenever I hear it I go back to that exact moment.

  17. So many good ones named.
    My parents like bed Andy Williams, Herb Alpert, Bee Gees, Kenny Rogers, Neil Diamond, and-as my Dad called them- Dan Steely.

    When I was 4-5 my brothers had an 8 track tape that was a compilation. We listened to it in the motorhome the 8 hour drive we took to our fav lake. (Summer breeze was on there - so that brings me back too)
    But "horse With No Name" & "Ventura Higheay" always get me. (We won't get into "Spill The Wine".)
    Oh what about "Lion Sleeps Tonigh". Can't forget that one.

    1. Herb Alpert!!! Tijuana Taxi and A Taste of Honey - classics.

  18. Any song from that early 90's Knebworth concert.

  19. I Can See Clearly Now and Alone Again - Naturally by Gilbert Sullivan... I was in grade 6 attending my first "mixed" party.

  20. We are the World. Everytime I hear it, I go back to me and my Dad going to K-Mart to buy it when it came out. While he was looking for it, I went into the toy section and found a Storm Shadow GI Joe figure (always one of the hardest to find along with the v.2 Snake Eyes) and a Starscream Transformer, I talked him into buying me both with the promise I'd mow the lawn when we got home.

    Also, it wasn't when I was a kid (I was 13) but was there ever a prettier "pop song" than the Bangles "Eternal Flame"?

    1. Rowdy: did you mow the lawn?

      Eternal flame is a beautiful song!

    2. I mowed it the next day. We went on Saturday and I always mow lawns on Sunday for some reason (I guess it's a superstition or something, the one time I mowed on a day other than a Sunday, the blade got caught in something, I turned it over and it was a big ass cotton mouth rattlesnake, that was just a year ago) but yes, I always make good on my promises/debts which is why nobody has ever had a problem loaning me money or buying something for me when I promise to pay it back or do something for them.

      Hell, I just borrowed $150 from my Dad over the weekend for something and told him I'd pay him back when I get my check. his words exactly were "I'm not worried. I've never had any reason not to think you wouldn't which is why I never say no or ask why you need it." (It was for a 3rd Party "Not Megatron" figure. Wanted to pay it first so as soon as it's released they'll send it to me. Finally, an "affordable" (the Takara version is over $300 for a very fragile masterpiece edition) G1 version of Megatron where he uses the Walther P-38 Man From U.N.C.L.E. alt mode)

  21. When I was a kid my dad had our house wired for stereo because my mom liked to have it playing while she was working in the kitchen (you did everything in the kitchen at our house). She would listen to the soundtrack to West Side Story and Paint Your Wagon, Neil Diamond's album Hot August Night and John Denver's Back Home Again album. I'm from Denver and it was like the unwritten rule that you had at least that album of his.

    When we went on road trips, we had one cassette player for us 3 kids, so for our cassettes, one side would have what my older brother liked and the other side would have what me and my sister liked. We also had a 3 way headphone jack (which was very advanced back then) so we could all listen at once. We had Iron Butterfly - Inna Godda Davida on one side, and the Partridge Family on the flip side. Jethro Tull - Aqua Lung on one side, and The Jackson 5's Greatest Hits on the flip side. That and Simon and Garfunkle. Any of that stuff takes me back. Oh yeah. My bro was into The Carpenters too. He listened to everything so I got exposed to a wide variety of music from a young age.

  22. First song I remember hearing was "Puff the Magic Dragon." That takes me back to when I was young all right -- I heard it when it was originally released.

  23. Anything by Boney M. And I'll defend them to my dying breath

  24. Anything from the "Yellow Submarine" Beatles movie. My parents are huge Beatles fans and somehow got a copy on VHS when I was little. My brother and I watched that movie to death...I was pretty terrified of The Glove, but the music made it all good. I rewatched it a couple years ago and went, "holy crap, this is one effed up movie..." but I loved it and those songs bring me back to spinning around to "Yellow Submarine" and being so sad for Jeremy the Nowhere Man.

  25. Anything by Simon & Garfunkel, Fleetwood Mac, The Doobie Brothers ... there's a cool radio station here called 'The Sound' that plays old '70s material day in and out - it's great!

  26. My dad had the "At the Hop" double album, and my sister used to chase me around the living room during "Runaround Sue" because we thought it was about literally running around and not about someone unfaithful.

  27. I know I'm late to the party, but GOONIES!


  28. Cher. When I was a kid, Cher was strictly a singer, not an actress. Half-Breed has a distinct memory for me. It was played a lot during gym while we were doing our warm-up laps.

  29. Anything by Heart and Stevie Ray Vaughan reminds me of my mom and summertime. Anything by Sade, Zapp and Roger, Surface and Bette Middler reminds me of being a kid with my dad and his side of the family...
