Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Have at it, Anarchists!


  1. Happy New Year everyone!!
    Looking forward to an Anarchy filled 2015.
    Thank you Outtie :D


  2. Uhhhhhhhhhh....

    I just want to say that I am so grateful for this site! It's everything that CDAN USED to be, minus Enty's shitty word vomit and the commenter infighting. I neeeeeever go there anymore. It's like a bad habit I'm relieved to have shaken.

    Viva la Outtie! Thank you for this site. I'll be visiting multiple times during 2015!

  3. I just read that Edward Hermann died, (Richard Gilmore) of brain cancer. =(

    Happy New Year to everyone. Have a fun (but safe) NYE.

    1. oh no I loved him on that show!

    2. He was Goldie Hawn's husband in Overboard! Tofuuuuti! Tofuuuuti Klein!

      RIP, Ed!

    3. Boo hoo. Just watched his awesome scenes in The Paper Chase

    4. Edward Hermann was one of those actors who was always good in everything he did.

      I'll always remember him as Max from The Lost Boys.

    5. That's a loss. He's been around forever. And you're right, Bally, he was always good.

    6. He was FDR in Annie too! Rip Richard Gilmore

    7. Oh that's sad. I'm watching Gilmore Girls right now!

    8. I remember him as the anonymous house guest playing jazz piano in the Great Gatsby with Redford and Farrow.

      In the morning, in the evening, ain't we got fun?

  4. Pink/ oh no! Ed hermann! I loved his work!! Good journey my friend!

  5. Happy New Year everyone! Be safe and have fun tonight

  6. A very happy New Year to one and all, including the b#### who called me a douchebag.

    Be safe tonight.

    Abstemiously Yours, Guido.

    1. Awww Guido, I'm with Seven, who in the world would say that to you? You are the sweetest of the sweet!

    2. Hey, I'm sweet AND a deebag... I'm good. More entertaining than anything else.

      A special tip o the cap to Outtie... this place is a mitzvah.

    3. Let me know who called you a douchebag so I can rip their spleen out. Only WE can call you a douchebag because you know we would mean it with not only humor but out of love and the spirit of kidding around. (You all can call me a douchebag, well, the regulars I know here anyway can.)

  7. *AHEM* I believe this thread is for you, Seven :)

    1. Oooh, Gina, you think?

      I decided to take today off and post the NYE/NYD reveals from Foxella tomorrow. Outtie said they're not posting anymore of KJE's stuff, so we'll get all of the lame-o reveals without having to deal with the lame-o site, plus original reveals from Outtie! That should get us all through our hangovers. :b

    2. I concur @Gina Sz!
      @Outtie also graciously gave fans our own post for the SOA finale! I look forward to seeing what genius nuggets @Seven delivers today!

    3. Boooooo
      Seven is out of commission today too :(

    4. Well, I can tell you this: I took a peek on the old site and other than some comments were people were calling other people "fag" and everyone here on Anarchy Gossip a bunch of jealous hating lurkers (I guess my single visit there counts as lurking...), KJE reprinted Timmy/Shimmy. The one where they built it up like some great big awesome blind and it turned out to be an actor who was also an actress and also a gay man that no one really knew.

      KJE didn't even bother to show the reveal but AndrewBW linked to it. So if you're a fan of recycling, now you know where to go!

    5. where, not were! Dangit, I even had coffee today for the first time in weeks!

    6. Seven, it's an established fact that everyone is gay.... where's that Honey Boo Boo gif?

      I love that kid as much as I despise her mother's choices.

    7. Everyone's allowed some time off :)

  8. I just want to say Happy New Year to all, and I also want to say I'm very thankful for this site. It's the first site I visit every day. Thanks, Outtie.

  9. Yes, keep up the good work Outtie. Happy New Years to all! And if you have to drive, do it safely!

  10. Happy New Year! It's almost 8am on the first day of 2015, there's sunshine and birds chirping.

  11. I feel the need to hear some Sex Pistols in tribute to Anarchy Gossip

    Anarchy In The U.K.

    Happy New Year, hoping for a good 2015, for gossip, anarchy and everything else.

    1. And for NYE, I kick it with The Ramones I WANNA BE SEDATED.

    2. My favorite song Gweeds!!! Thank you. And you are NOT a douchebag. Ever! You inspire me sweetie.

  12. Happy New Year, Anarchists!

    Much love from my heart to yours! ♡

    Thank you, Outtie, for all that you've done for us!

  13. Happy New Year, Anarchist !

    We been through a lot this year but we stuck together.

  14. Seven, did you see where Kaley Cacca sed getting a book job was the best decision she ever made? I'm guessing she didn't see your post.

    Now Guido is a book lover. But getting a book job was NOT the best decision I ever made. (Lesson learned: I like them... on others.....)

    1. Disappointed to hear you aren't a fan of boobs or books ;) I kid! I kid!

  15. Damn auto correct!!!! BOOB!!! Boob job. Boob lover. Yeesh. Books are fine... but can't compare....

    1. Boobs, books....they weigh about the same :p

    2. I've never motor boasted a book. Maybe in 2015?

      Any suggestions for a title? Should I motor boat the whit out of Any Rand? DIANETICS! ?????

    3. Definitely go for a soft cover...

    4. You wouldn't want to motorboat a copy of Dianetics unless you are a fan of German Scheisse Porn. Maybe Farrah Abraham's book, her tits look pretty good.

    5. I am dying here! Motorboating Ayn Rand!! Bahahaha!

  16. Happy New Year, Anarchists! We have a lovely, diverse and drama free community where we do not need to call one another names and spend our time trash talking other users :) Love!

  17. Happy New Year everyone! I, too, am grateful to Outtie for saving this community of fantastic commenters and keeping such a site alive after the original went bonkers!

  18. Trying to decide how to wear my hair tonight. Thinking just natural curls and into a fancy messy bun. Decided it was too cold for a dress, now deciding if I should wear boots to be safe or platforms to live life on the edge, or stilettos to make sure I break my bottom on the ice. Which also lead to the decision to wear pants and not go full lohan this evening.

    1. Is that you in your profile photo? If so, I'd suggest a casual chignon (nice and puffy out the back, with loose strands over the forehead and sides); it's how I wore mine last night and it's still perfectly intact so I'm going to wear it again today. Stilettos for sure

    2. It is! That's what I think I'm gonna do, some twisted ringlets in the back, and then some tendrils out front. Going with some peep toe, black ones I think. Thanks doll!

    3. If you go full Lohan, send pics to my email address on my profile :P Seriously, you could wear a burlap bag and have your hair in 1970's curlers covered in foil and still be the most beautiful woman wherever you go. (That goes for all the ladies here, you girls are all awesome and beautiful just the way you are in my opinion)

    4. Awe Rowdy you are the sweetest thing! Hopefully you get to lay a New Years kiss on some lucky lady tonight.

    5. Gross Rowdy. Don't yo u have a girlfriend?

    6. What's gross about it? Giving compliments to friends is OK to do even if you have a girlfriend. If it's about the "going Lohan" thing, that was just a joke based on what Krystie said two or three comments above mine. (Also, just for the record, I consider the physical aspect of a person to be the least important thing about who I find beautiful when it comes to people I know or am friends with. Yes, if I'm just looking through Youporn or something, yeah, I totally go for the people I find physically attractive because that's not "real" to me. When I am judging the beauty of a person that I am friends with or someone I want to go out with, the most important aspect on their attractiveness is their attitude and personality. Basically with the "real" aspect of life, if I could have a choice between a woman that looks like a 1960's Raquel Welch but with an annoying attitude, bitchy and 100% serious all the time or a woman that looks like Roseanne Barr from the late 80's but with a great attitude, sweet and caring and likes to joke around, I'd go for the one that looks like Roseanne 100% of the time. I'm sure a lot of people won't believe that but there's also quite a few people on here that know that is exactly the way I am.)

      So I apologize for grossing you out in any way, but I don't see how I could have but in any case, I'm sorry Pip.

    7. I got the joke and I'll take the compliment (especially since my avatar is a min pin). Happy New Years Rowdy!

    8. Sorry I'm VERY late to the party, but I had to add my two cents here...Rowdy you keep being you. We love you for it!

  19. Replies
    1. Kim Jong Enty ... he got that name with his sucky attitude

    2. Thank you, I was just going to ask the same question. Pretty hysterical actually.

  20. I do wish Outtie would make an appearance to say hi to all his/her followers :-/

    I wonder if s/he even reads all the comments :-(

    1. I think s/he does read the comments, hence this open post type thread :)

    2. I'm also pretty certain Outtie is a she

    3. I think Outtie is a she also. Much kinder and more gentle then KJE ever was!!

  21. I assumed Kim Jung Enty. Happy happy, Rose.

  22. A quote that I love-"And now we welcome the new year. Full of things that have never been."
    (Rainer Maria Rilke)

    1. God, I had to write a paper on him once. My brain hurts.

  23. Happy New Year to all! Stay safe tonight and enjoy the 364 that follow.

  24. Happy New Year Anarchists! So happy to have this space - THANK YOU Outtie. And Seven, thank you for connecting us to KJE reveals via that foxy site. I appreciate your effort (as I know everyone else does). Be interesting to see if KJE gets the traffic tomorrow. Timmy Shimmy - god, it's comes full circle. Oh, and hey Count! Where ya been? BW

  25. Sorry to be dense, but what is KJE?

  26. Just wanted to thank Outtie once again for creating this site!! I know it's ALOT of work, but I sure do appreciate it and all the commenter's who make me laugh everyday!!! This place is my total escape from reality!!!!! Happy New Year, everyone!! Long live Outtie!!!!

  27. Happy New Year everyone! And thanks for your hard work Outtie! I really enjoy this site and the lighter mood it creates. That other site had gotten so dark even before the big renovation. I love good snark, but it got so you couldn't post anything over there without someone getting offended or challenging you. Anyways, everyone be safe and have fun!

  28. Love to you all and those who lurk but remain silent. May you new year be full of promise. Made some good friends here and see more I hope to add.
    And most of all, Outtie for bringing together this awesome community. you're the best for your sacrifice of time.

  29. Happy New Year fellow anarchists!!

  30. I wish all of you the happiest, healthiest and most successful of New Years! In the words of a wise (yet deeply flawed) man, John Lennon, "Where there is life, there is hope."

  31. Happy 2015! Thanks Outtie for providing this space & I hope everyone here truly does enjoy a Happy New Year.

  32. Yes thank you Outtie, who I feel as well may be a female. Thank you 7 for reporting from fox whatever as I have not been to the site in many moons! How could they be posting as no one was posting a week or two after which is the last time I was there, and calling US names?

  33. Happiness to all in 2015! I am grateful for meeting and exchanging with so many of you clever, cool folks.xoxo
    Be safe and merry:)

    1. TRICIA!! Hey gurll HEY

      HNY xoxo

    2. You too! Enjoy your day in SF! And all to follow xXxX

  34. I'm lurkin over here glad to have an alternative place to CDAN, I could not handle that format any longer and just wandered into the woods alone for awhile till I found yall. This is a good place to be. I love the resourcefulness of everyone and the general good vibes here....happy new 2015!!

  35. Happy New Year one and all!
    Adding my voice to the chorus of thank yous to Outtie, and also thanks to each of you for the great laughs each and every day.
    Looking forward to more Anarchy in 2015!

  36. Happy new year!!!! Thanks outtie for the refuge you made here for the former CDAN community, it's a great group!

    My child is watching the Dick Clark countdown and Jenny McCarthy is annoying!!

    1. I don't remember why, but I was trying to explain who Jenny McCarthy is to my bf (who had no idea) and all I could come up with was the original girl on Singled Out and had a kid who was/is (?) autistic and is outspoken about it. He has no idea what The View is and that was all I could come up with. I realized I have no idea how she is still famous.

    2. Started on MTV as something something game show chick
      Dated Jim Carrey
      Did her whole something something autism/vaccinations are bad because..
      Married a Wahlberg

      (I'm at a loss as well)

    3. Was fired from her role on Growing Pains because she posed for Playboy which led to MTV etc etc etc

  37. Yo, yo Anarchists! Happy happy New Year! And, a special thanks to Outtie! Hope everyone has a super fun and safe celebration!!!

  38. A Billy Corigan Anderson Cooper fued over cat fancy magazine! So funny!!! I just love my AC giggling. Talking about the East coast CNN ball drop.

  39. Happy New Year everyone! I am so happy to be a part of the new site with you all. Its so great that there is somewhere for us.
    Also, the site is like a collection of the best bits from a bunch of other sites. Makes it a one stop shop!

  40. I just became an uncle/godfather today. I've been crying so hard (happy tears) my head hurts.

    1. Congrats! Hope everyone is doing well.

    2. Congrats!!!! When I became an Aunt last year, it changed my heart <3

    3. Congrats, Rose!! Gina, when I became an uncle 7 years ago when my niece was born, she literally saved my life (it's a long story, longer than my usual stories lol). To this day her nickname from me is "My Little Angel" and everytime someone new hears me call her that, she tells them the entire story. In fact, she thinks that it's her duty to one day take care of me when I'm old. I've told her she doesn't have to and that I want her to live a life for herself, she says she wants to do it (with an emphatic "And that's IT!" added by her afterwards lol).

      Rose, it's the greatest blessing I've ever received and if you have half of the fun and great times I've had with my nieces and nephew over the years, you'll see what a blessing they are. Couldn't be happier for you. :)

  41. Damnit, I didn't get to play with y'all today. What is it with this thing called WORK?

    Anyhooville, happy new year to all of us bitchin' folks. I want to also add a big, fat, thank you to Outtie for keeping the fam together.

    Tonight my family talked about the year 2015 and how unbelievable it was that we were even saying it and living it.

    Let's do this kids! Love to you all.

  42. Happy New Year! Peace and love to everyone!! Thanks Outtie!

  43. Happy New Year everyone!!! Thanks for the wonderful site Outtie.

  44. Wow!!! I didn't see this post added yesterday!! I wondered why it got so silent?
    And outtie has to be a girl because the design and flow of this site makes too much sense.. Ie. Splitting up the reveals by numbers instead of lumping them all into one email reply and trying to figure out what everyone is responding too..

    Anyhoo happy new year all!!

  45. Happy new year to all and thanks again Outtie!!

  46. HaPpY NeW YeAr!!!!!!
    I hope everyone has a kick ass 2015!

  47. Seems they share a love of porn stars who were also in the hot tub
    December 25, 2014
    I didn’t even know they knew each other, but there was this A list mostly television actor with A++ list name recognition sharing a hot tub and crack pipe with this foreign born A- list mostly movie actor who has been in some of the biggest movies of all time.

    Seems they share a love of porn stars who were also in the hot tub.

    Charlie Sheen
    Orlando Bloom

    This reveal was sourced from Foxella - and I had to post it because Orly now has officially Jumped the Shark in my book!
