Friday, November 21, 2014

Reader's Choice

What's going on in your world today?


  1. digging sweet potatoes in sunny FL

  2. Nothing, just ready for the weekend.

    I wanted to say to Derek Harvey - I saw where you said yesterday that you like Interpol. I just wanted to say,you have such great taste in music. We like a whole lot of the same things.

  3. Hoping the day goes by fast. This week has sucked! Three day work week next week. Bring it!

    1. Mine has sucked as well, Pip. Looking forward to a break next week!

  4. Beer nuts and Seagram's wine coolers.

  5. I'm at work, hardly anyone is here and I'm thinking of bouncing early. I'm reading a pretty entertaining article over at Jezebel about Naya Rivera. I don't watch Glee, and the only things I know about this woman are from the cdan reveals, but this jezebel writer is cracking me up.

    1. Naya? I gotta read this. I like her because she looks exactly like an ex-girlfriend of mine. Okay, correction: Naya USED to look like an ex-girlfriend of mine.

    2. Wow, she must've been a hottie

    3. did she key your car when you dumped her too??

  6. Happily enjoying a day without classes, 2 weeks to the day after leaving my longtime soul-killing job (a friend was correct when they said it was "poisoning my soul".). Wanted time to recuperate/regroup until after the new year, but a week into my staycation - classes until mid-Dec. - I got a call from the recruiter for a rival property, who had heard thru the grapevine I'd left the other job. I politely told him I'd like to put off any decisions or interviews until the semester was over. Now I'm worrying I was a total dumbass, because I actually realize I really do want to work for them for the next couple years until I finish school. Freaking out a little. I am so stupid.

    1. Good for you for your courage! It's a leap of faith. I left my soul-sucking job last May after 17 years. This is the first time in 38 years I've been without a job. Starting to get a little antsy now, mostly because I miss having my own earned money.

    2. @Trilby. Can you call them back?
      And Say what you just said here (of coarse while giving off an "I'm worth top dollar" vibe).
      If I were hiring someone I'd be impressed with your thinking.

    3. And let them know your Hollywood gossip knowledge is unrivaled!

    4. Trilby-i left a soul sucker job to years ago. Best thing. Hope u get other job u want!!

  7. The clock is ticking and Christmas will be here sooner than one thinks. I need to start knitting some gifts, but I am having a really hard time getting motivated.

    1. I wish I knew how to knit. My grandma taught me how to crochet (sp??) when I was very young, but I have since forgotten.

    2. @Rose If you want to learn there are lots of on-line classes available. Free ones on YouTube can get you started.,, and have beginners courses - either streaming or download - so you can learn at your own pace. Also, has tons of patterns (pay & free) for all skill levels.

      It's fun, maddening and satisfying. How many things can you say that about?

    3. Krystie: Sure, as long as you don't mind celebrating Christmas in July and not necessarily this July.

      I'm thinking if I give someone 1 sock or 1 mitten with the promise of another, I can maximize my gift giving.

  8. I just read in Variety that Norman Lear is thinking about an All In The Family 'reboot'. Ugh.

    1. ARGH. Leave it in the past.

    2. The only way that would be cool would be if Rob Reiner is Archie and Sally Struthers is Edith.

    3. Nah, but i wld like reboot of golden girls.

  9. Ready for the day to be over, I'm quite crabby and people are annoying the crap out of me today. I just want to veg out and lay on my couch and listen to Serial.

  10. Haven't slept again, so may as well stay up. Hair appt in morning then hitting the road for a weekend trip to the coast to see fam & mates.

    1. If you're going to be driving, please take a good long nap first.

  11. I don't know if this has been discussed but anyone know what's going on with cigarcat and eros over at CDaN? it cracks me up.

    1. I have no idea. But it's the only interesting thing going on over there.

      Also, since I've posted on that site, my inbox is getting a shitload of spam.

    2. A lot of hate considering there are only 3 people posting, and 2 are in a war!

    3. I scrolled thru the other day. Noted that most items had less than 6-7 comments, so I opened the one item that had 20+. Turns out the comments were mostly between Eros and someone (maybe Cigar) trading nasty barbs. I can't believe Sandy can stand it over three.

    4. jbe never give them your real email.. duh..
      i've been over @yahoo news going over the 3414 comments on the sandy hook hoax conspiracy theorists.., it's like i can't look away. i only stopped to pee and checked out what's going on over here while i was away....

    5. I feel bad for whoever owns No reason.

  12. My hair and my tails and noes.
    And Home Depot (maybe)
    But first my dinner for brunch with a serving of guilt for my lack of motivation this week.

  13. Gun threats at my daughter's high school and another HS in the neighborhood yesterday. They've just arrested a 17 yr old suspect. I sent her to school today a little scared this morning. She spent less than an hour in lockdown, while the other HS was held for over 3 hrs before parents could get their kids.

    1. @ALNL, oh god, that is horrible!

    2. @All Lace, that's terrible! I hope it gets resolved.

    3. No one is hurt and it appears a shooter never showed up. The threat was initially posted Wednesday nite on social media with a specific date and time it would happen.

      What's scary to me is how many kids said they saw it but didn't do anything. One kid texted their parent from school to tell them Thursday morning. The parent then called police, who immediately locked down the first school. What kind of world do we live in where kids see a threat like this and think nothing of it?

    4. So unbelievably scary, and depressing how common place it's becoming. One of our local HS in Manhattan Beach was shut down for 2 days this week over threats on social media. I'm glad everyone is ok ALNL

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I am back amongst the living and noshing on Triple-chip Toll House cookie dough!

  15. If you want a few good laughs, check out the TSAA Instagram feed. Every day they post a new photo. Occasionally it's one of their dogs, but usually its some item confiscated from someone's luggage. Today it's an expended 84-mm anti-tank weapon (AT4) discovered in a checked bag at the Arnold Palmer Regional Airport in Latrobe, Pennsylvania.

    Sometimes I wonder about my fellow human beings.

    TSAA Instagram

  16. Had surgery last Thursday went in on Tuesday because of a temperature, had surgery Wednesday to cut out an infection. Finally feeling less like I'm knocking on deaths door. Still in a lot of pain and my white blood cell count is crazy so don't know when I will get out.

    1. Good heavens! Hope you're up and at 'em soon.

    2. Hope you feel better soon Krystie. That's no fun.

    3. I too hope you feel better and get to go home real soon.

    4. Hope you feel and get better soon!

  17. Today's my day off. I got my hair did for the first time in like 5 months. So not a fan of beauty salons. Just finished decorating the ho ho tree with my 4-year-old. He had so much fun. OMG. I just vacuumed the entire abode. Am now drinking wine in preparation to cook up some chicken and dumplings for din. My husband has a cold, so just keeping it low key. Oh, and laundry. I always have laundry. Grrrr. Will be working on my Thanksgiving grocery list tonight too. Hope y'all are staying warm. It's so cold up in Jersey. Dang.

  18. I'm vegging out on my iPad and watching Castle reruns.

  19. Picking my kid up tonight, dreading the cluster fuck the upcoming week will be. 4hr + round trip for a parent/teacher conference Tuesday is a heck of a monkey wrench in a holiday week.

  20. Have stinky cold, but just ate some Dove's chocolate and i feel better!! Hate hvng cold, am big baby.

  21. I'm trying really hard not to lose it on my boss but my thought bubble is about to burst! Losing my gig before the holidays would suck more......

  22. I am trying to get dry. It is raining like crazy outside, and the winds have kicked up a notch too. It's a good night to stay in catch up on my shows on my PVR and ANTM.

  23. I have a friend who is fairly new to Canada. She has invited a few families to celebrate U.S. Thanksgiving tomorrow.

  24. Looking at recipes which is always cheerful.

  25. Im losing my mind! Since yesterday, my new iphone 6+ is not keeping me signed into my google account. Because my email and password are so long it's too much of a pain to do it every time. It's probably good that I can't comment but I can't subscribe if I don't comment and sign in and I'm going to be upset if I miss an epic preholiday meltdown. Monday I get my food sensitivity test back and imagine if turkey shows up? Then it would be a blessing I can't easily comment because I'll be having an embarassing meltdown lol!

    I mentioned my iphone 6+ because it seems to crash and do weird things and I was wondering if anyone else is having strange experiences with theirs. I broke my rule, never buy something the minute it comes out until after all the kinks are worked out :(

  26. Quite anxious in Saint Louis, MO. Waiting for the announcement of whether the grand jury will indict a police officer in a fatal shooting. We don't know for sure if the decision will be announced today or tomorrow or sometime next week or even later. Most agree, though, that it won't be safe in many parts of the region regardless of the grand jury's decision. It's not the alleged "peaceful protesters" but outside agitators and the media inciting violence. I love this City, and I suspect it will never be the same.
