Thursday, March 23, 2017

Gwyneth Paltrow Talks Aging

Gwyneth Paltrow recently sat down for an interview with People, where she talked about how her body has changed since turning 40. Here's what she had to say:

“I thought, ‘I eat well, I sleep, I exercise— so why am I always so tired? I don’t get it.’ It’s really incredible. People warn you that it’s going to happen. I was always like, sure I’ll eat a cheeseburger and fries and it just won’t stick. And then after 40 that completely changed.

I think as I’ve gotten older and hopefully wiser I’ve tried to focus on doing little things throughout my week to bolster my strength and energy. I’m trying not to cave into sugar cravings and lots of white carbs all the time, because that’s my kind of go-to; if I get tired in the afternoon I want pretzels, or I want Swiss cheese on a cracker or a baguette. I really love white carbs, which is not great for optimizing your health and your energy.

I’ve had to become more mindful about just in general when I’m having fried food just knowing that, ‘Ok, that may stick in a way that it didn’t used to 20 years ago.' By the way, I’ll never give up fried foods.”

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